ActiveXperts Network Monitor Scripts checks
ActiveXperts Network Monitor contains a comprehensive set of built-in monitoring checks. These checks are configured using the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Manager and cannot be customized.
Most Administrators want more than that! They want to customize their checks, combine them, put more functionality in it. In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, Administrators can use three different scripting languages: Powershell, VBScript and SSH.
Powershell scripts
The following PowerShell scripts are included in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. The scripts can be modified to meet your requirements.
- Cpu.ps1 - Checks CPU usage on a host.
- Database.ps1 - Checks a database by executing an SQL query.
- Dhcp.ps1 - Checks for maximum number of IP addresses in use.
- DirectoryService-AccountDisabled.ps1 - Checks whether a user account is disabled.
- DirectoryService-AccountLocked.ps1 - Checks if the specified user account is locked
- DirectoryService-AccountLockedInGroup.ps1 - Checks whether a specified user account is locked.
- DirectoryService-GroupMembership.ps1 - Checks whether a user is member of the defined group.
- DirectoryService-LDAPServer.ps1 - Query an LDAP server and match the response.
- DirectoryService-VerifyGroupMembers.ps1 - Checks all members of a defined group.
- Disk-Drives.ps1 - Checks all disks on a host.
- Disk-Space.ps1 - Checks whether a disk has sufficient disk space.
- Dns.ps1 - Query a DNS server, and check the response.
- Drive-Exists.ps1 - Checks whether a drive exists.
- Email-Pop3.ps1 - Checks a POP3 server by login in
- Email-Smtp.ps1 - Checks an SMTP server by login in
- EventLog.ps1 - Checks whether certain events exist in a Event Log.
- File-Change.ps1 - Checks whether a file has changed on a host.
- File-Content.ps1 - Checks the contents of a file by matching a pattern or regular expression.
- File-Count.ps1 - Counts the number of files in a directory and all subdirectories.
- File-Exists.ps1 - Checks whether a file exists.
- File-LastLine.ps1 - Checks the last line of a file for a pattern.
- File-Size.ps1 - Checks the size of a file.
- Folder-Size.ps1 - Checks the size of a folder.
- Ftp.ps1 - Checks whether a file existens on an FTP server.
- Http.ps1 - Read data from a web page and search for a pattern.
- Ica.ps1 - Establish a telnet session to an MS ICA Server and validate its response.
- Memory-Committed.ps1 - Checks commited memory on a host.
- Memory-PagesPerSecond.ps1 - Checks pages per second swapped on a host.
- Memory.ps1 - Checks memory usage and available memory on a host.
- Miscellaneous-RandomResult.ps1 - Returns True or False at random. Use it for testing purposes.
- Miscellaneous-ShowDebugger.ps1 - Prints debug information to a log file. Use it for debugging purposes.
- MountPoint.ps1 - Checks whether Windows Mount Point has sufficient space.
- MsActiveDirectory.ps1 - Checks whether MS Active Directory is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsBizTalkServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS BizTalk is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsDynamics.ps1 - Checks whether MS Dynamics is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsExchangeServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS Exchange Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsHyperVServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS Hyper-V Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsIisServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS IIS Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsIndexServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS Index Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsIsaServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS ISA Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsQueue.ps1 - Checks MS Queue length on a host computer.
- MsSharepointServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS SharePoint Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsSqlServer.ps1 - Checks whether MS SQL Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsTerminalServer.ps1 - Checks Terminal Server sessions on a host.
- MsWinDefender.ps1 - Checks whether MS Windows Defender is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- Nntp.ps1 - Establish telnet session to an NNTP news server and validate its response.
- Ntp.ps1 - Queries a time server.
- PerformanceCounter.ps1 - Checks one or more Windows Performance Counters on a host.
- Ping-wmi.ps1 - Pings a remote host through WMI.
- Ping.ps1 - Pings a remote host.
- Printer.ps1 - Checks whether a printer is up and running.
- Process-Count.ps1 - Counts the number of processes.
- Process.ps1 - Checks whether a process is running. Checks CPU and memory resources as well.
- Radius.ps1 - Checks a RADIUS server for accessibility.
- Service.ps1 - Checks whether a specified service is running.
- Services.ps1 - Checks whether a service is running on a host.
- Share.ps1 - Checks the existence of a share on a host.
- Snmp.ps1 - Connects to the SNMP agent, reads the OID value and performs a match.
- Telnet.ps1 - Establishes a telnet session to a host and validates its response.
- Tftp.ps1 - Checks for file existence on a TFTP host.
- TraceRoute.ps1 - Tracks the route of packets from one IP to another.
- VirusScan.ps1 - Checks whether an Anti-Virus Suite of Internet Security Suite is running.
- VMware.ps1 - Checks a counter on a VMware host or a VMware Virtual Machine.
- WebSite.ps1 - Reads data from a web page and searches for a pattern.
- Xen.ps1 - Checks a counter on a Xen server or a Virtual Maching running on a Xen server.
- XenServer-ActiveSessions.ps1 - Checks the amount of sessions to a XenServer host.
- Xml.ps1 - Performs a query on an XML source.
VBScript scripts
The following VBScript scripts are included in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. The scripts can be modified to meet your requirements.
- Cpu.vbs - Checks CPU usage on a host.
- Database.vbs - Checks a database by executing an SQL query.
- Dhcp.vbs - Checks for maximum number of IP addresses in use.
- DirectoryService.vbs - Check whether a user account is disabled or locked out.
- DiskDrives.vbs - Checks all disks on a host.
- DiskSpace.vbs - Checks whether a disk has sufficient space.
- Dns.vbs - Query a DNS server, and check the response.
- Email.vbs - Checks mail server by logging on and checking the status.
- EventLog.vbs - Checks whether certain events exist in a Event Log.
- File.vbs - Checks file existence, file content, last line of a file for a pattern, file size, file change.
- Folder.vbs - Checks folder size, count the number of files in a directory and all subdirectories, check the directory for a change.
- Ftp.vbs - Checks whether a file existens on an FTP server.
- Handles.vbs - Checks the number of handles used by a process.
- Http.vbs - Read data from a web page and search for a pattern.
- Ica.vbs - Establish a telnet session to an MS ICA Server and validate its response.
- Memory.vbs - Checks free memory (MB) on a defined host.
- Miscellaneous.vbs - Miscellaneous routines.
- MountPoint.vbs - Checks whether Windows Mount Point has sufficient space.
- MsActiveDirectory.vbs - Checks whether MS Active Directory is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsBizTalkServer.vbs - Checks whether MS BizTalk is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsDynamics.vbs - Checks whether MS Dynamics is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsExchangeServer.vbs - Checks whether MS Exchange Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsHyperVServer.vbs - Checks whether MS Hyper-V Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsIisServer.vbs - Checks whether MS IIS Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsIndexServer.vbs - Checks whether MS Index Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsIsaServer.vbs - Checks if MS ISA Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsQueue.vbs - Checks MS Queue length on a host computer.
- MsSharePointServer.vbs - Checks if MS SharePoint Server is running; it checks the services, processes and performance counters.
- MsSqlServer.vbs - Checks whether MS SQL Server is running; it checks services, processes and performance counters.
- MsTerminalServer.vbs - Checks Terminal Server sessions on a host.
- Nntp.vbs - Establish telnet session to an NNTP news server and validate its response.
- Ntp.vbs - Queries a time server.
- PerformanceCounter.vbs - Checks a Windows Performance Counter.
- Ping.vbs - Pings a remote host.
- Printer.vbs - Checks whether a printer is up and running.
- Process.vbs - Checks whether a process is running. Checks CPU and memory resources as well.
- Radius.vbs - Checks a RADIUS server for accessibility.
- Registry.vbs - Checks value of a registry key on the local or remote system.
- Rsh.vbs - Runs a command on a UNIX/LINUX host.
- Serial.vbs - Queries a serial device.
- Service.vbs - Checks whether a specified service is running.
- Share.vbs - Checks the existence of a share on a host.
- Snmp.vbs - Connects to the SNMP agent, reads the OID value and performs a match.
- Telnet.vbs - Establishes a telnet session to a host and validates its response.
- Tftp.vbs - Checks for file existence on a TFTP host.
- TraceRoute.vbs - Tracks the route of packets from one IP to another.
- VirusScan.vbs - Checks if the defined Virus Scanner is running.
- VMware.vbs - Checks a counter on a VMware host or a VMware Virtual Machine.
- Xen.vbs - Checks a counter on a Xen server or a Virtual Maching running on a Xen server.
- Xml.vbs - Performs a query on an XML source.
SSH (Linux/Unix) scripts
The following SSH scripts are included in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. The scripts can be modified to meet your requirements.
- - Checks CPU usage on a host.
- - Checks available free space on a disk.
- - Checks used space on a disk.
- - Checks whether a drive exists.
- - Checks whether a POP3 server is available.
- - Checks whether an SMTP server is available.
- - Checks the content of a file.
- - Counts the number of files in a directory and all its sub-directories.
- - Counts the number of files in a directory
- - Checks the existence of a file.
- - Checks the size of a file.
- - Checks the size of a directory on a host.
- - Checks memory usage of memory available on a host.
- - Ping a host.
- - Checks whether a process is running.
- - Checks whether a user account exists.
- - Checks whether a user account is locked or unlocked.
- - Checks which day it is.