miscellaneous.vbs - vbscript script by ActiveXperts Software
miscellaneous.vbs miscellaneous routines.
Use miscellaneous.vbs directly from ActiveXperts Network Monitor; in the Manager's 'Monitor' menu, select 'New Check (Script)' and select miscellaneous.vbs. Configure the required parameter, or press 'Load a working sample'.
In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, Administrators can use three different scripting languages: Powershell, VBScript and SSH.
miscellaneous.vbs script code
' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// ' // ActiveXperts Network Monitor - VBScript based checks ' // For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor and VBScript, visit ' // http://www.activexperts.com/support/network-monitor/online/vbscript/ ' /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Option Explicit ' Declaration of global variables Dim SYSDATA, SYSEXPLANATION ' SYSDATA is displayed in the 'Data' column in the Manager; SYSEXPLANATION in the 'LastResponse' column ' Constants - return values Const retvalUnknown = 1 ' ActiveXperts Network Monitor functions should always return True (-1, Success), False (0, Error) or retvalUnknown (1, Uncertain) ' // To test a function outside Network Monitor (e.g. using CSCRIPT from the ' // command line), remove the comment character (') in the following lines: ' Dim bResult ' bResult = ShowDebugger( "c:\file.log" ) ' WScript.Echo "Return value: [" & bResult & "]" ' WScript.Echo "SYSDATA: [" & SYSDATA & "]" ' WScript.Echo "SYSEXPLANATION: [" & SYSEXPLANATION & "]" Function ShowDebugger( strDebugFile ) ' Description: ' Print debug information to a log file while the Network Monitor Engine interpreter runs the script. ' Parameters: ' 1) strDebugFile - the name of the debug output file. The path of the file must be a valid path. ' If the file does not exists, the file will be created. ' Usage: ' ShowDebugger( "<Debug File>" ) ' Sample: ' ShowDebugger( "c:\network-monitor.log" ) Dim objDebugger Set objDebugger = CreateObject( "ActiveXperts.VbDebugger" ) objDebugger.DebugFile = strDebugFile objDebugger.Enabled = True objDebugger.ClearDebugFile ' Clear the file is desired objDebugger.WriteLine "Debug file cleared at " & Date() & " " & Time() objDebugger.WriteLine "Write information to the debug file" objDebugger.Sleep 1000 ' Let the script wait for 3 seconds objDebugger.WriteLine "ShowDebugger function ready at " & Date() & " " & Time() Set objDebugger = Nothing ShowDebugger = True SYSEXPLANATION = "ShowDebugger function completed" End Function ' ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// Function RandomResult( nMax ) ' Description: ' This function returns True or False at random. Use this function for testing purposes ' A random number [1..10] is generated. If this number is less or equal than nMax, the ' result is True, otherwise the result is False ' Parameters: ' 1) nMax - a maximum between 1 and 10 ' Usage: ' RandomResult( <nMax> ) ' Sample: ' RandomResult( 5 ) Dim n ' Set seed Randomize Second(Time) ' Assign a random in range [1..10] n = CInt( ( 10 * Rnd() ) + 0.5 ) SYSDATA = n SYSEXPLANATION = "Random number in range [1..10]: [" & n & "]" If( n <= nMax ) Then RandomResult = True Else RandomResult = False End If End Function