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xml.ps1 - powershell script by ActiveXperts Software

xml.ps1 performs a query on an XML source.

Use xml.ps1 directly from ActiveXperts Network Monitor; in the Manager's 'Monitor' menu, select 'New Check (Script)' and select xml.ps1. Configure the required parameter, or press 'Load a working sample'.

In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, Administrators can use three different scripting languages: Powershell, VBScript and SSH.

xml.ps1 script code

# ActiveXperts Network Monitor PowerShell script, © ActiveXperts Software B.V.
# For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor, visit the ActiveXperts 
# Network Monitor web site at
# Script
#     Xml.ps1
# Description:
#     This function queries cdcatalog.xml for CDs that have more than 12 songs 
#     If there is more than one record, the function is successfull.
# Declare Parameters:
#     1) strXmlPath - Path to the Xml file. Can be either a URL, or a file system path
# Usage:
#     .\Xml.ps1 '<URL to XML file | XML on Filesystem>'
# Sample:
#     .\Xml.ps1 ''

# -- Declare Parameters
param( [string]$strXmlPath = '' )

# -- Use _activexperts.ps1 with common functions 
. 'C:\Program Files\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Scripts\Monitor (ps1)\_activexperts.ps1' 

# // --- Main script ---

# -- Clear screen and clear error

# -- Validate parameters, return on parameter mismatch
if( $strXmlPath -eq '' )
	$res = 'UNCERTAIN: Invalid number of parameters - Usage: .\Xml.ps1 "<URL to XML file | XML on Filesystem>"'
  echo $res

$xmlDoc = new-object -comobject Microsoft.XMLDOM
$xmlDoc.async = $false

# $xmlDoc echo's when called on so where fetching the result in a dummy variable, or else Network Monitor 
# won't handle the result correctly
$dummy = $xmlDoc.load( $strXmlPath )

$colNodes = $xmlDoc.selectNodes( '/catalog/cd' )  

$strCDs = ''

foreach( $x in $colNodes )
  if( $strCDs -ne '' ) 
    $strCDs += ', '
  $strCDs += $x.SelectSingleNode('artist').text + '-' + $x.SelectSingleNode( 'title' ).text

if( $strCDs -ne '' )
  $res = 'SUCCESS: Following CDs were found: [' + $strCDs + ']'
  $res = 'ERROR: No CDs found'  

# -- Print script result 
echo $res

# // --- Catch script exceptions ---

trap [Exception]
  $res = 'UNCERTAIN: ' + $_.Exception.Message
  echo $res