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Q3200030: I try to run the Visual Basic 6 sample project, but I get a runtime error: "User-defined type not defined". What's wrong? You must refer to the object before you can declare and create it. Go to the 'Project' menu, choose 'References...' and put the checkbox near 'ActiveXperts Serial Port Component Type Library'. Serial Port Component > Visual Basic, VBA and VBScript Q3200020: How do I use ActiveXperts Serial Port Component object in my VBScript program? Q3200010: How do I use ActiveXperts Serial Port Component object in my Visual Basic 6 project? Q3200040: I get the following error message when running a VBScript sample:
"Microsoft VBScript runtime error: ActiveX component can't create object: 'AxSerial.ComPort'" Q3200025: How do I use ActiveXperts Serial Port Component object in an Office Document (Excel, Access or Word) using VBA?