Contact Info

ActiveXperts Network Monitor ships with a powerful set of pre-defined checks. Each individual check has a static number of configuration items. To monitor other items, or to combine monitoring items, you can make use of custom PowerShell checks.

Most of the built-in checks have a PowerShell equivalent, implemented as a PowerShell (.ps1) script file. Out-of-the-box, each PowerShell script monitors the same items as the built-in check. Feel free to modify the script.

To add a new PowerShell-based Share monitoring check, do the following:

To customize the above monitoring check, click on the 'Edit button' next to the 'Script File' selection box. Notepad will be launched. You can now make changes to the PowerShell script.

Powershell Share check

Share.ps1 script source code

# ActiveXperts Network Monitor PowerShell script, (c) ActiveXperts Software B.V.
# For more information about ActiveXperts Network Monitor, visit the ActiveXperts 
# Network Monitor web site at
# Script
#     Share.ps1
# Description:
#     Check the existence of a share on a (remote) computer. Use network monitor service credentials to access the (remote) computer
# Parameters:
#     1) strComputer As String - Hostname or IP address of the computer you want to check
#     2) strShare As String - Name of the share
#     3) strCredentials As String - Specify an empty string to use Metwork Monitor service credentials.
# Usage:
#     .\Share.ps1 '<Hostname | IP>' '<Share>' '<Empty String | Server>' 
# Sample:
#     .\Share.ps1 'localhost' 'C$' ''

# Parameters

if ( ( [string]$strComputer -eq "" ) -or
     ( [string]$strShare -eq "" )
  $res = "UNCERTAIN: Invalid number of parameters - Usage: .\Share.ps1 <Computer> <Credenatials> <Share>"
  echo $res
########################### Get objWMIService #############################  
$objWMIService = $null

if ( $strCredentials -eq "" )
  $objWMIService = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $strComputer -Class Win32_Share
  $objNmCredentials = new-object -comobject ActiveXperts.NMServerCredentials
  $strUsername = $objNmCredentials.GetLogin($strCredentials)
  $strPassword = $objNmCredentials.GetPassword($strCredentials)
  if ( $strUsername -eq "" )
     $res = "ERROR: No alternate credentials defined for [" + $strCredentials + "]. In the Manager application, select 'Options' from the 'Tools' menu and select the 'Server Credentials' tab to enter alternate credentials"
     echo $res
    if( $strPassword -ne "" )
      $strPasswordSecure = ConvertTo-SecureString -string $strPassword -AsPlainText -Force
    $objCredentials = new-object -typename System.Management.Automation.PSCredential $strUsername, $strPasswordSecure
    $objWMIService = Get-WmiObject -ComputerName $strComputer -Class Win32_Share -Credential $objCredentials 

if ( $objWMIService -eq $null )
  $res = "ERROR: Unable to access '" + $strComputer + "'. Possible reasons: no WMI installed on the remote server, no rights to access remote WMI service, or remote server down"
  echo $res

########################### END #############################  

Foreach ( $x in $objWMIService )
  if ( $x.Name -eq $strShare )
    if ( $x.Status -ne "OK" )
      $res = "ERROR: " 
      $res = "SUCCESS: " 

    $res += "Status of share [\\" + $strComputer + "\" + $strShare + "]: " + $x.Status
    echo $res

 $res = "ERROR: Share [\\" + $strComputer + "\" + $strShare + "] does not exist"
 echo $res