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ActiveXperts Network Monitor Threading

The ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine (a Windows Service) is responsible for monitoring servers, workstations and devices from a central point. It is designed to run multiple checks simultaneously. To do so, it uses so called 'threads'. Multi-threading gives a program the ability to perform several tasks concurrently.

In ActiveXperts Network Monitor, multiple threads are running, for instance:

The number of threads strongly influences the performance of the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine (service). If there are only a few threads, the software will not use much CPU and memory resources, but the throughput of checks may be low. By increasing the number of threads, the throughput will increase. However, too many threads will consume too many system resources together (each thread consumes memory and CPU), decreasing the performance of the Network Monitoring engine dramatically.

It is recommended to have less than 40 threads on an average server. If - for instance - you have a lot of ICMP checks, and only a few VBScript based checks, you can increase performance by configuring a few more ICMP threads and a few less VBScript threads.

On more powerful servers, you can configure more threads.

Configuring the number of Threads

To configure the number of threads, choose Options from the Tools Menu and select the Performance tab.

You find all different types of threads. You can change the number of threads that is spawned when the ActiveXperts Network Monitor is started. As a result, changes take effect after you restart the service!

The following threads are used by the Network Monitor Engine (service):