Knowledge Base FAQ Item #7740170
Q7740170: When I create a new (Instant) Report, there is the error "There are too many records in the ReportData table of the Statistical Database, based on SQL Server Compact. Please migrate the database to MS SQL Server or MySQL using the 'Report and Graphs Configuration Tool". What should I do next?
This means that there are too many ReportData records in your SQL Server Compact Statistical Database File, file:
C:\ProgramData\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Stats\Stats.sdf
You should migrate your database to MS SQL Server or MySQL. See FAQ #7740100.
This limitation is not hardcoded in our software, and can be changed, but it is not recommended. It is recommended to migrate.
The limit can be changed through the following registry value:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Stats\RpTblMsaRecordLimit
You MUST restart the ActiveXperts network Monitor Engien service for changes to take effect.