Q7520055: We want to purchase ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Do we also need to purchase a license of 'ActiveXperts SMS Component' in order to send out SMS alerts?
No, that's not a required. An ActiveXperts Network Monitor license automatically includes a license for ActiveXperts SMS Component to send out SMS notifications.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMSQ7521040: I want to change all Alert SMS Notification settings for multiple Checks. What is the best way to do this?
Use the 'Copy' and 'Paste Properties' commands in the Manager to copy Alert Notification settings of one single Check and paste them onto multiple selected Checks or a selected Folder.
This way, you can configure the Alert Notification settings (including Groups and individual Recipients) for multiple checks.
If you paste the Check's properties to a selected Folder, all Checks in that Folder will receive the new settings.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521042: Is there a way to get a listed overview of the Alert SMS Recipients of the Checks in my list of Checks in the Manager application?
Yes you can. there are two ways:
Right-click on the column-headings in the Manager. A context menu will popup. Select both 'Alert Notifications' and 'Alert SMS Recipients';
Or choose 'Columns' from the 'View' menu in the Manager, and select both 'Alert Notifications' and 'Alert SMS Recipients'.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520045: You recommend a COM port based GSM Modem on your web site. However, my physical server only has USB ports. What should I do?
You can use a Serial/USB converter cable for that. ActiveXperts offers a Cinterion GSM modem with an optional FTDI converter cable , see: activexperts.com/order/bx006.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520047: You recommend a COM port based GSM Modem on your web site. However, my virtual server does not have any ports at all. What should I do?
You can use a TCP/IP adapterfor that. ActiveXperts offers a Cinterion GSM modem with an optional DigiOne TCP/IP-Serial adapter , see: activexperts.com/order/bx006.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520060: Which GSM modem do you recommend for ActiveXperts Network Monitor?
ActiveXperts supports any modem that is compliant with both ETSI GSM 07.05 and ETSI GSM 07.07 standards.
Please note this doesn't necessarily mean that a modem that is compliant to these standards is automatically a good modem. There are many cheap modems around, with different firmware versions etc.
ActiveXperts recommends a Cinterion GSM modem.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521030: I get the following System Warning in my log file: "Too many outstanding SMS requests. Reconfigure or disable SMS notifications".
This means that there are more SMS notification requests than the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine service can handle. There can be various reasons for that:
The SMS communication channel is not functioning
The network connection to the SMS communication channel is slow
Too many notifications as a result of failed checks
SMS notification requests are queued in the following folder by default:
C:\ProgramData\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Ipc\Queue\Alerts\
Requests are processed in FIFO orde...
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521060: I'm using a GSM modem. The following error comes up: "Error#30351: Unexpected response from modem". In the log file, I see some undisplayable characters received from the modem. What could be the problem?
Most probably, the baud rate causes the problem: COM port and modem are not sending/receiving at the same speed. We strongly recommend to use 9600bps. Two things you need to do:
Make sure that your COM port is configured to use 9600bps. To do so, open
the Windows Device manager and click on COM1-properties. There you can set
it to 9600bps.
Set the modem to 9600bps.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521050: When I send a test SMS message using my GSM modem, I get the following error: 30203. What does it mean?
This error only occurs when using Windows Telephony devices (like 'Standard 9600 bps Modem'). The Windows Telephony device name is valid,. There can be two reasons for this error:
The Windows Telephony device is already in use by another application;
The port speed is wrong; Windows is able to open the port, but is not able to initialize the device properly because of the wrong speed. Make sure that the port speed of the device and the port settings of the Telephony device in the Control Pane...
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521010: When I send a test SMS message using my GSM modem, I get the following error: 30102. What does it mean?
This means that the COM port does not exist. You only get this error if you use a COM port (like COM1) rather than a Windows Telephony device (like 'Standard 9600 bps Modem'). Error 30102 does NOT mean that the port is already in use. If the port would already be in use, you would get another error: 30103.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521040: When I send a test SMS message using my GSM modem, I get the following error: 11202. What does it mean?
This error only occurs when using Windows Telephony devices (like 'Standard 9600 bps Modem'). The error implies that the Windows Telephony device is valid, but that the associated COM port is either already in use, or does not exist. The error does NOT imply that the Windows Telephony device is invalid (that would give error 30201); it neither implies that the Windows Telephony device is already used (that would give error 30204).
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520065: Is it possible to change the SMSC address stored in my GSM modem ?
You can set the service center address with AT+CSCA in two ways:
Using HyperTerminal; Start Windows' HyperTerminal and type the AT+CSCA command with the requested parameter (see below)
Put the AT+CSCA string in the initialization string of the modem: Network Monitor Manager's Tools->Notifications menu, then select the SMS-tab, Configure Modem button, and then the Advanced button
The syntax for the AT+CSCA command:
AT+CSCA="--service centre address goes here--"
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520035: How can I verify that my comport is not already in use?
Go to the command prompt and type: echo AT > COM1 . The modem should flash lights.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520030: I'm using SMS messaging to notify my operators.
It looks like SMS messages are sent out, but we do not receive SMS messages on our mobile phones. What can be the problem?
A: It is very important to use the right format for the recipient ID.
Some providers require a country code, some don't.
A provider very often accepts any recipient ID, processes it and reports that there's no problem,
but actually doesn't send it out because of a bad format.
For instance, when you are located in the UK (+44), you should try the following formats:
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520025: What SMS number format should I use, should I use the country code as a prefix?
It depends on how you send out SMS messages. Network Monitor supports SMSC service providers, GSM modems and GSM phones. Click here to learn which format you should use.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520010: Is there any additional hardware required to send out SMS notifications?
Yes, you need a GSM modem.
A GSM modem is a serial- or USB device. It has a slot for a SIM card. You can use a regular SIM card, i.e. the same one as used for mobile phones. You must connect it to the machine where the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine service is running.
ActiveXperts recommends the 'SAMBA 75 GSM/GPRS Modem'. It is reliable and has a good price/quality ratio.
ActiveXperts offers a special SAMBA/Network Monitor bundle (artcile# AX007-0250). For more details, click here.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7520020: Deos ActiveXperts maintain a log where all GSM modem AT commands and responses are logged?
You can turn on modem logging for the ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine. To do so, you must enter a valid file name in the following registry entry:
HKLM\Software\ActiveXperts\Network Monitor\Server\Trace\NotifySms
For instance:
After that, restart the service. After that, all SMS operations will be written to the log file.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521020: When I send a test SMS message using my GSM modem, I get the following error: 30103. What does it mean?
This means that the port you are attempting to open is already in use by another application. You only get this error if you use a COM port (like COM1) rather than a Windows Telephony device (like 'Standard 9600 bps Modem').
Check if there's another application that is already using the COM port. In some situations, you may want to benefit from a thing called 'port sharing', where one port can be shared by multiple applications. To benefit from 'port sharing', you must use Windows Telephony devices (lik...
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS Q7521030: When I send a test SMS message using my GSM modem, I get the following error: 30201. What does it mean?
This means that the Windows Telephony Device you are using, is NOT defined on the computer. You may have made a typing mistake. Error 11201 does NOT mean that the port is already in use (you would get error 11202).
You will never get this error when using direct COM ports (like 'COM1'), but only when using Windows Telephony devices.
Network Monitor > Alert Notifications - SMS