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Q6850015: I'm using ActiveXperts Network Monitor for monitoring all Event Logs in my network, but I noticed that the software is consuming a lot of bandwidth. What should I do? Event Log monitoring consumes a lot of network bandwidth, and can really decrease the performance of your network, especially with large Event Logs. Unfortunately, there's nothing we can do about it. Just try any WMI script by Microsoft that scans event logs over the network and you'll see. In general, do not maintain large event logs, e.g. only log events from the last week, and (important!) import your event log data in some Event Log Archiver program (there are many). Also, do not query event l... Network Monitor > Monitoring Event Logs Q6850010: I want to monitor multiple Event Logs in one Event Log check. Is this possible? Q6850020: Is there a way to include event details in e-mail notifications? Q6850003: When I try to setup a new Event Log check in the Manager for one of our old Windows 2003 servers, I get an error saying: "Unable to retrieve a list of Event Logs from the remote computer. The machine is either not accessible, or the remote computer does not run Windows 2008 or Windows 7 or higher.". Q6850030: I am trying to monitor the Event Log with a VBScript check.
However the result is always "uncertain", even when the built-in Event Log monitor shows an error.
What is the uncertain state? Is this a permissions problem? Q6850002: When I try to setup a new Event Log check in the Manager, I get the error: "Failed to initialize library [axsnmwev.dll]. You can only query event logs on Windows 2008 (or higher) server platforms, or Windows 7 (or higher) workstations."