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Q1100035: We are using the component within HTML/Javascript code. The browser is Internet Explorer.
Each time the ActiveX control is loaded by the browser, a security warning is displayed. Have you any suggestion to remove this message? There are basically two ways to avoid prompting: Add the website that hosts the ActiveX component to the trusted sites of all Internet Explorers. This would need some automatic configuration on your LAN's Internet Explorers, for instance through Group Policy (recommended) or through logon script. This way you only decrease Internet Explorer security for that particular site. Security for all other sites remain the same. This solution only works as long as the ActiveXperts Network Component user... Network Component > Using ActiveXperts Network Component Q1100040: How can I receive binary data from a remote client? Q1100020: When I do a Wake Up on LAN, the machine doesn't wake up at all. What's wrong? Q1100030: Is Network Component thread-safe? Q1100025: I'm implementing a client server application. Is it possible to transmit binary data? Q1100010: Can I use Visual C++ to include ActiveXperts Network Component?