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ActiveXperts Error Codes

ActiveXperts Error Codes are 32-bit values. Error codes of one ActiveXperts product do not conflict with Error Codes of other ActiveXperts products. If you have an ActiveXperts Error Code, you can lookup its description here.

Result Description
 0 Success

Errors 1000-1999 (Licensing)
Error Description
 1001 Evaluation period has expired. You must purchase the product, or else uninstall the software
 1002 License key is invalid
 1003 You need a professional or distribution license to use this function
 1010 Creation of a new thread failed
 1020 Failed to create instance of object, out of memory.
 1030 Exception error occurred, process has been terminated
 1040 Failed to allocate memory
 1101 Invalid or no account name entered
 1102 Invalid or no password entered

Errors 10000-11999 (WinSock Errors)
Error Description
 10004 A blocking operation was interrupted by a call to WSACancelBlockingCall
 10009 The file handle supplied is not valid
 10013 An attempt was made to access a socket in a way forbidden by its access permissions
 10014 The system detected an invalid pointer address in attempting to use a pointer argument in a call
 10022 An invalid argument was supplied
 10024 Too many open sockets
 10035 A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately
 10036 A blocking operation is currently executing
 10037 An operation was attempted on a non-blocking socket that already had an operation in progress
 10038 An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket
 10039 A required address was omitted from an operation on a socket
 10040 A message sent on a datagram socket was larger than the internal message buffer or some other network limit, or the buffer used to receive a datagram into was smaller than the datagram itself
 10041 A protocol was specified in the socket function call that does not support the semantics of the socket type requested
 10042 An unknown, invalid, or unsupported option or level was specified in a getsockopt or setsockopt call
 10043 The requested protocol has not been configured into the system, or no implementation for it exists
 10044 The support for the specified socket type does not exist in this address family
 10045 The attempted operation is not supported for the type of object referenced
 10046 The protocol family has not been configured into the system or no implementation for it exists
 10047 An address incompatible with the requested protocol was used
 10048 Only one usage of each socket address (protocol/network address/port) is normally permitted
 10049 The requested address is not valid in its context
 10050 A socket operation encountered a dead network
 10051 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable network
 10052 The connection has been broken due to keep-alive activity detecting a failure while the operation was in progress
 10053 An established connection was aborted by the software in your host machine
 10054 An existing connection was forcibly closed by the remote host
 10055 An operation on a socket could not be performed because the system lacked sufficient buffer space or because a queue was full
 10056 A connect request was made on an already connected socket
 10057 A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket is not connected and (when sending on a datagram socket using a sendto call) no address was supplied
 10058 A request to send or receive data was disallowed because the socket had already been shut down in that direction with a previous shutdown call
 10059 Too many references to some kernel object
 10060 A connection attempt failed because the connected party did not properly respond after a period of time, or established connection failed because connected host has failed to respond
 10061 No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it
 10062 Cannot translate name
 10063 Name component or name was too long
 10064 A socket operation failed because the destination host was down
 10065 A socket operation was attempted to an unreachable host
 10066 Cannot remove a directory that is not empty
 10067 A Windows Sockets implementation may have a limit on the number of applications that may use it simultaneously
 10068 Ran out of quota
 10069 Ran out of disk quota
 10070 File handle reference is no longer available
 10071 Item is not available locally
 10091 WSAStartup cannot function at this time because the underlying system it uses to provide network services is currently unavailable
 10092 The Windows Sockets version requested is not supported
 10093 Either the application has not called WSAStartup, or WSAStartup failed
 10101 Returned by WSARecv or WSARecvFrom to indicate the remote party has initiated a graceful shutdown sequence
 10102 No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext
 10103 A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled
 10104 The procedure call table is invalid
 10105 The requested service provider is invalid
 10106 The requested service provider could not be loaded or initialized
 10107 A system call that should never fail has failed
 10108 No such service is known. The service cannot be found in the specified name space
 10109 The specified class was not found
 10110 No more results can be returned by WSALookupServiceNext
 10111 A call to WSALookupServiceEnd was made while this call was still processing. The call has been canceled
 10112 A database query failed because it was actively refused
 11001 No such host is known
 11002 This is usually a temporary error during hostname resolution and means that the local server did not receive a response from an authoritative server
 11003 A non-recoverable error occurred during a database lookup
 11004 The requested name is valid and was found in the database, but it does not have the correct associated data being resolved for
 11005 At least one reserve has arrived
 11006 At least one path has arrived
 11007 There are no senders
 11008 There are no receivers
 11009 Reserve has been confirmed
 11010 Error due to lack of resources
 11011 Rejected for administrative reasons - bad credentials
 11012 Unknown or conflicting style
 11013 Problem with some part of the filterspec or providerspecific buffer in general
 11014 Problem with some part of the flowspec
 11015 General QOS error
 11999 General WSA error

Errors 14000-14999 (ActiveXperts Environmental Monitor)
Error Description
 14001 The Program Files folder has not been set. Failed to detect and load environmental device providers
 14002 The Program Data folder has not been set. Failed to detect and load environmental device providers
 14010 The device manager hasn't been initialized or no providers could be found
 14011 The specified device id could not be found
 14012 The specified interface id could not be found
 14013 The specified sensor id could not be found
 14015 The intermediate device XML file could not be written to disk
 14016 The intermediate device XML file could not be loaded from disk
 14020 The end of the device interface list has been reached
 14021 The end of the interface sensor list has been reached
 14023 The end of the available devices list has been reached
 14024 Failed to wrap a device, interface or sensor into an object
 14025 Failed to wrap an object into a device, interface or sensor object

Errors 15000-15299 (ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server - CFG)
Error Description
 15000 Registry entry 'ServerRoot' missing
 15001 Registry entry 'Configuration' missing
 15002 ActiveX component [AxMmCfg.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15003 ActiveX component [AEmail.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15004 ActiveX component [AComPort.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15005 ActiveX component [ASocket.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15006 ActiveX component [AxPop3.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15007 ActiveX component [AXmsCtrl.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15008 ActiveX component [AxEdit.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 15009 Registry entry 'Server' missing
 15010 Internal error: unable to create new ActiveX object
 15011 Internal error: unable to create new ADODB object
 15012 Internal error: Invalid object or object is NULL
 15013 Registry entry 'ClientRoot' missing
 15014 One or more HTML files needed by the program are missing
 15020 Unable to open the Configuration Database
 15021 Unable to query the Configuration Database
 15022 No more records
 15023 Unable to create new configuration record; maximum allowed number is reached
 15024 Unable to create new configuration record
 15025 Unable to modify configuration record
 15026 Unable to delete configuration record
 15027 Incompatible configuration database version
 15028 Unable to open the Configuration Database because the 64-bit Microsoft ACE OLEDB Driver is missing. See FAQ 8850040
 15029 Unable to open the Configuration Database because a 32-bit MS Access version was detected on this 64-bit OS. See FAQ 8850050
 15050 Empty Message Database Connection String
 15051 Unable to open Message Database
 15052 Syntax error in database query
 15053 Syntax error in querying all database fields
 15054 No more messages in message Database
 15060 Unable to create new message
 15061 Unable to update message
 15062 Unable to update BLOB field in message
 15063 Unable to execute query in Message Database
 15064 Message record is not formatted correctly
 15065 Syntax error in the WAP Message Body
 15066 Invalid Data Body. Hexadecimal format is required, e.g.: FF C0 B2
 15067 Incompatible message database version
 15068 Message database is already exclusively locked by a different process or client. Try again later.
 15100 Empty Archive Database Connection String
 15101 Unable to open Archive Database
 15102 Unable to query Archive Database
 15103 No more messages in Archive Database
 15104 Unable to create new message in Archive Database
 15105 Unable to update message in Archive Database
 15106 Unable to update BLOB field in archived message
 15107 Unable to execute query in Archive Database
 15108 Unable to delete message from Archive Database
 15109 Incompatible archive database version
 15110 Unable to open the Archive Database because the 64-bit Microsoft ACE OLEDB Driver is missing. See FAQ 8850040
 15111 Unable to open the Archive Database because a 32-bit MS Access version was detected on this 64-bit OS. See FAQ 8850050
 15200 Invalid schedule time
 15220 Message Reference is not allowed for SMS or MMS messages
 15221 Header not allowed for this type of message
 15222 Priority not allowed for this type of message
 15223 Carbon Copies (CC, BCC) not allowed for this type of message
 15224 Read receipt not allowed for this type of message
 15225 Delivery report not allowed for this type of message
 15226 Bodyformat invalid for this message type
 15227 Could not find the message in the message database
 15228 There are no TLV's attached to this message
 15229 No more TLV's attached to this message
 15230 TLV object expected
 15231 No TLV found with this tag value

Errors 15300-15399 (ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server - Pop3)
Error Description
 15300 No welcome message received from Pop3 Server (no response at all, expected response: '+OK POP3 Ready')
 15301 No welcome message received from Pop3 Server (invalid response, '+OK POP3 Ready' was expected)
 15302 No response received on '+USER' command
 15303 Invalid response received on '+USER' command
 15304 Login failed
 15305 No response received on '+PASSWORD' command
 15306 Invalid response received on '+PASSWORD' command
 15307 No connection to POP3 server established
 15308 Invalid message indicator; message should start with '+OK '.
 15309 Invalid message (MIME header is empty)
 15310 Cannot load ACTIVEXPERTS:SOCKET module
 15311 No more messages available

Errors 15400-15499 (ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server - SMPP)
Error Description
 15400 Failed to start the SMPP thread
 15401 Timeout while trying to connect to SMPP server
 15402 Failed to connect to the SMPP server
 15403 Timeout while communicating with SMPP server
 15404 Timeout while trying to bind to SMPP server
 15405 Found SMPP client connector in an unexpected state
 15406 SMPP client out of memory
 15407 SMPP server closed the connection unexpectedly
 15408 SMPP client receive operation timed out
 15409 SMPP client received unexpected PDU length
 15410 SMPP client received a malformed PDU
 15411 SMPP client internal error (Invalid parameter)
 15412 SMPP client operation timed out
 15413 SMPP timeout in unbind operation
 15414 Could not find this message reference
 15415 Failed to bind to SMPP server. Check system id, system type and / or password
 15416 SMPP client internal error (invalid handle value)
 15417 SMPP client internal error (invalid SMS message handle)
 15418 SMPP client internal error (invalid SMS vector handle)
 15419 No more messages
 15420 Failed to load SMPP client library
 15421 Invalid password while trying to connect to SMPP server
 15422 Invalid system id while trying to connect to SMPP server
 15423 Invalid service type while trying to connect to SMPP server

Errors 15500-15550 (ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server - HTTP)
Error Description
 15500 Error when sending through HTTP
 15501 The server did not reply with the expected success response
 15502 The server replied with the error response

Errors 21990-22099 (ActiveXperts Network Component - Generic)
Error Description
 21990 No connections pending
 21991 Error while accepting a remote connection
 21993 Already connected
 21994 TCP operation stalled, aborted.
 21995 TCP operation timed out
 21996 Remote party disconnected unexpectedly
 21997 Remote party disconnected
 21998 No active connection
 21999 Error during send
 22000 Invalid parameter
 22001 Buffer overflow
 22002 No more bytes in buffer
 22003 Listen failed
 22004 Must listen to be able to accept
 22005 Failed to allocate buffer memory
 22018 Invalid UDP port numer
 22019 Invalid TCP port number
 22020 Invalid IP address
 22021 Invalid hostname
 22022 Unable to resolve hostname to IP-address
 22023 Unable to create a socket
 22024 Unable to connect to host
 22025 Socket Error occurred
 22026 Requested function not supported on this OS, or Dynamic Link Library is missing
 22027 Failed to create thread
 22028 Failed to stop thread
 22029 Invalid host
 22030 Professional license required to use this option
 22051 One ore more exported functions could not be found
 22070 Unknown error occurred in VMware library
 22071 Guest tools not installed on selected virtual machine
 22072 Failed to connect to ESX host, authentication failure
 22073 Either the selected virtual machine does not exist, or it is not started
 22074 Out of memory while trying to allocate instance of object
 22075 Failed to send HTTP GET or POST request, HTTP library not initialized
 22076 Failed to execute command, initialize VMware library first
 22077 Failed to parse response. Invalid SOAP data received
 22078 Failed to retrieve performance counter. The context is out of bounds
 22079 Failed to retrieve performance counter. The specified virtual machine name does not exist
 22080 Last counter record reached
 22081 Last virtual machine record reached
 22082 Unknown performance counter ID
 22083 Virtual machine does not exist

Errors 22080-22120 (ActiveXperts Network Component - Vmware)
Error Description
 22080 Last counter record reached
 22081 Last virtual machine record reached
 22082 Unknown performance counter ID
 22083 Virtual machine does not exist
 22120 Unknown error occurred in Xen library

Errors 22120-22160 (ActiveXperts Network Component - XenServer)
Error Description
 22120 Unknown error occurred in Xen library
 22121 Guest tools not installed on selected virtual machine
 22122 Failed to connect to XEN host, authentication failure
 22123 Either the selected virtual machine does not exist, or it is not started
 22124 Out of memory while trying to allocate instance of object
 22125 Failed to send HTTP GET or POST request, HTTP library not initialized
 22126 Failed to execute command, initialize Xen library first
 22127 Failed to parse response. Invalid SOAP data received
 22128 Failed to retrieve performance counter. The context value is out of bounds
 22129 Failed to retrieve performance counter. The specified virtual machine name does not exist
 22130 Last counter record reached
 22131 Last virtual machine record reached
 22132 Unknown performance counter ID
 22133 Virtual machine does not exist
 22150 Unknown error occurred in VERDE library
 22151 Guest tools not installed on selected image
 22152 Failed to connect to VERDE host, authentication failure
 22153 Either the selected VERDE image does not exist, or it is not started
 22154 Out of memory while trying to allocate instance of object
 22155 Failed to send HTTP GET or POST request, HTTP library not initialized
 22156 Failed to execute command, initialize VERDE library first
 22157 Failed to parse response. Invalid SOAP data received
 22158 Failed to retrieve performance counter. The context is out of bounds
 22159 Failed to retrieve performance counter. The specified VERDE image name does not exist
 22160 Last counter record reached

Errors 22200-22299 (ActiveXperts Network Component - SNMP)
Error Description
 22200 SNMPAPI.DLL could not be loaded because DLL was not found
 22201 MGMTAPI.DLL could not be loaded because DLL was not found
 22202 One or more exported functions missing in SNMPAPI.DLL
 22203 One or more exported functions missing in MGMTAPI.DLL
 22204 WSNMP32.DLL could not be loaded because DLL was not found
 22205 One or more exported functions missing in WSNMP32.DLL
 22210 SNMP Libraries not loaded; operation not allowed
 22211 Unable to initialize WinSNMP
 22212 SNMP Library not initialized
 22213 Unable to open SNMP session
 22214 SNMP Session already opened
 22215 Open an SNMP session first
 22216 SNMP Memory allocation failed
 22217 Invalid parameter
 22218 SNMP daemon/service is not running on host, or host is not available
 22219 Request operation failed
 22220 Invalid SNMP hostname
 22221 Unable to set port other than 161
 22222 OID type not supported by ActiveSocket
 22223 Unable to add trap
 22224 OID not found
 22225 Too many OID's specified for this trap
 22226 No object ID specified
 22227 The specified object ID does not exist on this agent
 22228 The specified entity does not exist on this agent
 22239 Failed to listen for incoming SNMP traps. Either the port is in use, or the Windows SNMP trap service is started.
 22240 No traps in receive queue
 22241 Invalid call. Call Get(First) before calling GetNext
 22242 Value is not compatible with specified type
 22243 Windows SNMP Trap service not installed or started
 22244 Invalid SNMP community name specified
 22245 No more variables in SNMP trap
 22250 Please specify the generic trap type
 22251 Please specify the specific trap type
 22260 The agent could not place the results of the requested SNMP operation into a single SNMP message
 22261 The requested SNMP operation identified an unknown variable
 22262 The requested SNMP operation tried to change a variable but it specified either a syntax or value error
 22263 The requested SNMP operation tried to change a variable that was not allowed to change
 22264 Generic error received from SNMP agent
 22265 The specified SNMP variable is not accessible
 22266 The value specifies a type which is inconsistent with the OID variable
 22267 The length of the data is invalid
 22268 Malformed packet detected
 22269 Failed to create new value
 22270 Failed to set value, specified data is inconsistent
 22271 The resource is not available
 22272 No variables were updated
 22273 Undo failed
 22274 An authorization error was occurred
 22275 The variable exists but the agent cannot modify it.
 22276 Inconsistent name
 22280 SNMPv3: Unsupported security level
 22281 SNMPv3: Packet not received within time window
 22282 SNMPv3: Unknown security name
 22283 SNMPv3: Engine ID unknown or not set
 22284 SNMPv3: Wrong digest, please check authentication parameters
 22285 SNMPv3: Decryption error, please check privacy parameters
 22286 SNMPv3: Unknown security model
 22287 SNMPv3: Invalid message
 22288 SNMPv3: Unknown PDU handler

Errors 22300-22319 (ActiveXperts Network Component - NTP)
Error Description
 22300 Invalid NTP host name
 22301 Create socket failed
 22302 Unable to connect to NTP server
 22303 Connection to NTP server established, but request failed
 22304 Request failed
 22305 No response received

Errors 22320-22339 (ActiveXperts Network Component - ICMP)
Error Description
 22320 Creation of socket failed
 22321 Invalid host name
 22322 Timeout
 22323 Destination host unreachable
 22324 Destination net unreachable
 22325 Internal API error
 22326 Bad option
 22327 Hardware error
 22328 Packet too big
 22329 Bad request
 22330 Bad route
 22331 TTL expired
 22332 Source Quench
 22333 Bad Destination
 22334 Load ICMP Library failed
 22339 Generic ICMP error

Errors 22340-22349 (ActiveXperts Network Component - WOL)
Error Description
 22340 Invalid MAC address

Errors 22350-22359 (ActiveXperts Network Component - DNS)
Error Description
 22350 Generic DNS error
 22351 Unable to load DNS library
 22352 Library not initialized
 22353 Unable to resolve DNS host to IP address
 22354 Unable to connect to DNS server
 22355 No more records available
 22356 Sending DNS query failed
 22357 No response from DNS server
 22359 DNS server was queried successfully, but specified entry was not found

Errors 22400-22449 (ActiveXperts Network Component - HTTP)
Error Description
 22401 Create WinHTTP session failed
 22402 Open a session first
 22403 Connection already established
 22404 Unable to establish a connection to remote web server
 22405 Unable to logon to proxy
 22406 Unable to send the request to the remote web server
 22407 No response received from remote server
 22408 Unable to query headers
 22409 Unable to query authentication schemes
 22410 Unable to establish connection, operation timed out
 22411 Establish a connection first
 22412 Unable to logon to web site
 22413 Unable to read data, query for data size failed
 22414 Unable to read data, internal memory allocation failed
 22415 Unable to read data, read operation failed
 22416 Page not found (HTTP error 404)
 22417 Page request refused (HTTP error 403)
 22418 Bad Request (HTTP error 400)
 22419 Internal Server Error (HTTP error 500)
 22420 The requested page has been moved (HTTP error 410)
 22421 Not implemented (HTTP error 501)
 22422 Service unavailable (HTTP error 503)
 22423 Failed to write data, write operation failed
 22424 Error message received from proxy server
 22425 Timed out waiting for proxy
 22426 Failed to import one or more functions from the WINHTTP library
 22427 Method not allowed (HTTP error 405)
 22449 Generic HTTP failure

Errors 22450-22499 (ActiveXperts Network Component - RSH)
Error Description
 22450 One or more errors were found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server.
 22451 Timeout occurred while executing command
 22452 Command execution failed, see stderr for details
 22455 Local user name too long
 22456 Remote user name too long
 22457 Command too long
 22460 Permission Denied
 22461 IPv6 not supported
 22470 Load Provider DLL failed
 22471 Unable to create SSH provider DLL
 22472 Unable to register SSH provider DLL
 22473 Unable to instantiate SSH provider DLL. See FAQ1230050 or FAQ7060050
 22480 Failed to create temporary file
 22481 Cannot execute shell-script. Reason: invalid or incomplete parameters
 22482 WinSock 2 or higher required
 22483 Host or IP address is required
 22484 Invalid TCP/IP port
 22485 No Username specified
 22486 Either a password or a private key file is required for authentication
 22487 No Command specified
 22488 Timeout occurred while connecting to SSH host. Try to increase connection timeout
 22489 The specified private key file could not be found
 22490 Unable to establish a connection to remote computer
 22491 Authentication Failed
 22492 Unhandled exception occurred while executing SSH script
 22493 Script timed out
 22494 Failed to convert temporary file to string
 22495 Unknown host key. Connect to the server with 'accept host key' enabled to accept and store the host key.
 22496 Host key changed. Connect to the server with 'accept host key' enabled to accept and store the new host key.
 22497 Connection closed unexpectedly
 22498 IPv6 not supported

Errors 22480-22499 (ActiveXperts Network Component - SSH)
Error Description
 22480 Failed to create temporary file
 22481 Cannot execute shell-script. Reason: invalid or incomplete parameters
 22482 WinSock 2 or higher required
 22483 Host or IP address is required
 22484 Invalid TCP/IP port
 22485 No Username specified
 22486 Either a password or a private key file is required for authentication
 22487 No Command specified
 22488 Timeout occurred while connecting to SSH host. Try to increase connection timeout
 22489 The specified private key file could not be found
 22490 Unable to establish a connection to remote computer
 22491 Authentication Failed
 22492 Unhandled exception occurred while executing SSH script
 22493 Script timed out
 22494 Failed to convert temporary file to string
 22495 Unknown host key. Connect to the server with 'accept host key' enabled to accept and store the host key.
 22496 Host key changed. Connect to the server with 'accept host key' enabled to accept and store the new host key.
 22497 Connection closed unexpectedly
 22498 IPv6 not supported

Errors 22500-22549 (ActiveXperts Network Component - FTP)
Error Description
 22500 WININET.DLL could not be loaded because DLL was not found
 22502 Authentication Failed
 22509 File not found
 22510 No more files in directory
 22511 File does not exist
 22512 Directory does not exist
 22513 Access denied when trying to access the file
 22514 Failed to change directory
 22515 Failed to create directory
 22516 Failed to delete file
 22517 Failed to create file
 22518 Failed to rename file or directory
 22519 Failed to delete directory, or directory is not empty
 22520 The local file cannot be opened or does not exist
 22521 Failed to write local file, cannot download file
 22523 Failed to download file from FTP server
 22525 Failed to upload file to FTP server
 22530 Invalid FtpFile object passed to function
 22540 Not connected, please connect first

Errors 22600-22699 (ActiveXperts Network Component - IPtoCountry)
Error Description
 22601 Failed to load IP to Country database
 22602 IP address not found in database
 22603 Country not found in database
 22604 IPv6 not supported

Errors 22700-22799 (ActiveXperts Network Component - MIB)
Error Description
 22701 Default MIB tree not loaded
 22702 Failed to load MIB file (specified mib file not found)
 22703 Failed to load MIB file (one or more import modules not found)
 22704 Invalid MIB filename specified
 22730 Unable to resolve specified OID
 22731 Unable to resolve specified MIB entry
 22733 Invalid MIB file format
 22750 Open UDP Socket failed
 22751 Send Access Request failed
 22752 No response received
 22753 Access rejected

Errors 22750-22799 (ActiveXperts Network Component - RADIUS)
Error Description
 22750 Open UDP Socket failed
 22751 Send Access Request failed
 22752 No response received
 22753 Access rejected

Errors 22800-22849 (ActiveXperts Network Component - TFTP)
Error Description
 22800 No session established to remote host
 22801 Invalid packet
 22802 Failed to send packet, not all bytes of the package were sent
 22803 Failed to receive data
 22804 Unable to create local file
 22805 Failed to write request
 22806 TFTP not started
 22807 File not opened
 22808 File does not exist on remote TFTP host
 22809 Failed to copy data
 22810 Failed to write to file
 22811 Wrong packet number detected during transfer
 22812 Failed to open local file
 22813 Failed to create read request
 22814 Error in packet
 22815 Failed to read from file
 22816 No ACK received after a few attempts
 22817 Error reported by remote host
 22820 The remote host does not respond. Probably, there's no TFTP daemon listening on remote host

Errors 22850-22899 (ActiveXperts Network Component - MSN)
Error Description
 22851 Failed to connect to MSN server, invalid hostname specified
 22852 Failed to connect to MSN server, invalid portnumber specified
 22853 Failed to connect to MSN server, the server did not respond
 22854 Failed to handshake MSN protocol
 22855 Failed to send MSN client version
 22860 Invalid accountname specified
 22861 Invalid password specified
 22862 Authentication failure, please check account and password
 22863 Failed to negotiate protocol version
 22864 Failed to send client information
 22865 Failed to request or send authentication
 22866 Failed to load cryptographic shared libraries
 22867 No recipients specified
 22868 Failed to send contact list
 22869 Failed to connect to switchboard
 22871 Failed to add recipient, invalid format or unknown error
 22872 Failed to set online status
 22873 Failed to set display name
 22874 Failed to send message to one of the recipients, either an unknown error occurred, user is not online, or you are not authorized by this recipient to send messages.
 22880 Could not canonify the path name
 22881 Unable to resolve hostname to IP-address
 22882 Unable to connect to host
 22883 Access denied when trying to access the file
 22884 Could not find the file specified
 22885 Operation timed out
 22886 One or more errors were found in the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) certificate sent by the server.
 22887 Write error
 22888 Unknown Curl error

Errors 22900-22939 (ActiveXperts Network Component - SCP)
Error Description
 22900 Unable to load SCP provider DLL resource data
 22901 Unable to create SCP provider DLL
 22902 Unable to register SCP provider DLL
 22903 Unable to instantiate SCP provider DLL. See FAQ1230050 or FAQ7060050
 22910 Timeout occurred while copying file to SSH host. Try to increase the timeout
 22911 The hostname cannot contain special characters (e.g. ':', '@')
 22912 Could not find local source file or directory
 22913 Error during initialization of the SSH subsystem. The ProtocolError property may contain more information about the error.
 22914 Unknown error during copy
 22915 Protocol error during copy. The ProtocolError property contains more information about the error.
 22916 Internal error: Unexpected newline during copy
 22917 Lost connection
 22918 Internal error: Unexpected time format
 22919 Internal error: Expected control record
 22920 Internal error: Unexpected file descriptor format
 22921 Expected the target to be a directory
 22922 Unexpected target file name received from host. Target file name looked like '.' or '..'
 22923 Expected a target path to be a directory
 22924 Could not create a directory
 22925 Could not create a file
 22926 Error writing to file
 22927 A source file or directory could not be opened
 22928 A source directory was ignored since it is not a file and the 'recursive' option was not set.
 22929 Error reading file
 22930 Empty source path
 22931 Empty destination path
 22932 Unable to establish a connection to remote computer
 22933 IPv6 not supported

Errors 22940-22999 (ActiveXperts Network Component - SFTP)
Error Description
 22940 Unable to load SFTP provider DLL resource data
 22941 Unable to create SFTP provider DLL
 22942 Unable to register SFTP provider DLL
 22943 Unable to instantiate SFTP provider DLL. See FAQ1250050 or FAQ6890050
 22950 No connection to an SFTP host or the connection was lost.
 22951 Unable to initialize SFTP
 22952 Unknown error while trying to connect to host
 22953 Error during initialization of the SSH subsystem. The ProtocolError property may contain more information about the error.
 22954 Could not canonify the path name
 22955 Could not execute the remote command. The ProtocolError property may contain more information about the error
 22956 Multiple or wildcard arguments require the destination to be a directory
 22957 Unable to open directory
 22958 Unable to open the file for writing. The ProtocolError property may contain more information about the error
 22959 Unable to open the local file for reading
 22960 Error while writing to file. The ProtocolError property may contain more information about the error
 22961 No filename was specified
 22962 Could not find the file specified
 22963 Multiple-level wildcards are not supported
 22964 No more files in directory
 22965 Cannot create directory
 22966 Cannot open directory
 22967 Cannot open file for reading
 22970 Invalid host
 22972 Failed to connect
 22973 IPv6 not supported
 22978 IPv6 not supported
 22980 Creation of socket failed
 22981 Invalid host name
 22982 Timeout
 22983 Destination host unreachable
 22984 Destination net unreachable
 22985 Internal API error
 22986 Bad option
 22987 Hardware error
 22988 Packet too big
 22989 Bad request
 22990 Bad route
 22991 TTL expired
 22992 Source Quench
 22993 Bad Destination
 22994 No more hops
 22995 Max hops reached
 22997 Call FindFirstHop before FindNextHop
 22998 Failed to load ICMP API
 22999 Generic ICMP error

Errors 22978-22999 (ActiveXperts Network Component - TraceRoute)
Error Description
 22978 IPv6 not supported
 22980 Creation of socket failed
 22981 Invalid host name
 22982 Timeout
 22983 Destination host unreachable
 22984 Destination net unreachable
 22985 Internal API error
 22986 Bad option
 22987 Hardware error
 22988 Packet too big
 22989 Bad request
 22990 Bad route
 22991 TTL expired
 22992 Source Quench
 22993 Bad Destination
 22994 No more hops
 22995 Max hops reached
 22997 Call FindFirstHop before FindNextHop
 22998 Failed to load ICMP API
 22999 Generic ICMP error

Errors 23700-23899 (ActiveXperts MMS Toolkit)
Error Description
 23710 GPRS modem initialization command(s) failed
 23730 No recipient address(es) specified
 23731 Invalid recipient address used in either To, CC or BCC field
 23732 Invalid MMS message class specified
 23733 Failed to load attachment file
 23734 Invalid MMS priority value specified
 23735 No MMSC Server address specified
 23736 No WAP gateway address specified
 23737 GPRS access point name not specified
 23740 Failed to create Dial Up Networking entry
 23741 Generic Dial-up Networking error
 23742 GPRS connection lost, reconnect first
 23745 No response from WAP gateway
 23746 Unexpected response from WAP gateway
 23748 Invalid MRU (Maximum Receive Unit) size
 23749 MMS Message size too big
 23750 You need to pass a MMSMessage object as parameter to the Send command
 23752 Failed to initialize Windows Sockets
 23753 Memory allocation failed
 23755 MMS message is empty (no content specified)
 23756 No more recipients
 23757 No more message slides
 23758 No more content in slide
 23761 MMSC response: unspecified error
 23762 MMSC response: service denied
 23763 MMSC response: corrupt message format
 23764 MMSC response: sending address unresolved
 23765 MMSC response: message not found
 23766 MMSC response: network problem
 23767 MMSC response: content not accepted
 23768 MMSC response: unsupported message
 23770 Specified configuration file cannot be loaded
 23771 File is not a MMS configuration file
 23772 Failed to save configuration file, most probably, you specified an invalid filename, or you do not have access to this location
 23773 Precompiled MMS file not found
 23774 Precompiled MMS file corrupt or failed to load
 23775 Failed to save precompiled MMS file
 23780 Protocol error, illegal PDU received
 23781 Session has been disconnected
 23782 Session has been suspended
 23783 Session has been resumed
 23784 The peer is congested and cannot process the SDU
 23785 The session connect failed
 23786 The maximum receive unit size was exceeded
 23787 The maximum outstanding requests was exceeded
 23788 Peer request
 23789 Network error occurred
 23790 User request

Errors 25000-25299 (ActiveXperts Network Monitor - AxNmCfg API interface)
Error Description
 25000 Creation of MDAC/ADO object failed
 25001 Configuration Database error: invalid OLE object
 25003 Configuration Database Location not set
 25004 Unable to open Configuration Database
 25005 Operation failed because Configuration Database is not opened
 25006 Unable to open Configuration Database (database is already opened)
 25007 Configuration Database File missing
 25010 Configuration Database error: field missing in [Rules] table
 25020 Configuration Database error: unable to query [Nodes] table
 25021 Configuration Database error: record not found in [Nodes] table
 25022 Configuration Database error: unable to update [Nodes] table
 25023 Configuration Database error: unable to find last record in [Nodes] table
 25024 Configuration Database error: unable to insert new record in [Nodes] table
 25025 Configuration Database error: unable to delete record(s) from [Nodes] table
 25026 Configuration Database error: not allowed to create duplicate values for the ID field
 25035 Configuration Database error: unable to query [ServerCredentials] table
 25036 Configuration Database error: record not found in [ServerCredentials] table
 25037 Configuration Database error: unable to update [ServerCredentials] table
 25050 Invalid Tree Item
 25051 Tree configuration not loaded
 25052 Tree item not found
 25060 Configuration Database error: unable to query [TreeConfig] table
 25061 Configuration Database error: no records in the [TreeConfig] table
 25062 Configuration Database error: unable to update [TreeConfig] table
 25100 Configuration Database error: unable to query [SmtpSettings] table
 25101 Configuration Database error: no records in the [SmtpSettings] table
 25102 Configuration Database error: unable to update [SmtpSettings] table
 25105 Configuration Database error: unable to query [NetPopupSettings] table
 25106 Configuration Database error: no records in the [NetPopupSettings] table
 25107 Configuration Database error: unable to update [NetPopupSettings] table
 25110 Configuration Database error: unable to query [MetaSettings] table
 25111 Configuration Database error: no records in the [MetaSettings] table
 25112 Configuration Database error: unable to update [MetaSettings] table
 25120 Configuration Database error: unable to find last record in [DistributionGroups] table
 25121 Configuration Database error: unable to insert new record in [DistributionGroups] table
 25122 Configuration Database error: unable to query [DistributionGroups] table
 25123 Configuration Database error: no records in the [DistributionGroups] table
 25124 Configuration Database error: unable to update [DistributionGroups] table
 25125 Configuration Database error: unable to delete record(s) from [DistributionGroups] table
 25140 Configuration Database error: unable to query [MessageTemplates] table
 25141 Configuration Database error: no records in the [MessageTemplates] table
 25142 Configuration Database error: unable to update [MessageTemplates] table
 25145 Configuration Database error: unable to query [WebViews20] table
 25146 Configuration Database error: no records in the [WebView20] table
 25147 Configuration Database error: unable to update [WebViews20] table
 25150 Configuration Database error: unable to query [LogSettings] table
 25151 Configuration Database error: no records in the [LogSettings] table
 25152 Configuration Database error: unable to update [LogSettings] table
 25155 Configuration Database error: unable to query [ReportSettings] table
 25156 Configuration Database error: no records in the [ReportSettings] table
 25157 Configuration Database error: unable to update [ReportSettings] table
 25160 Configuration Database error: unable to query [MaintenanceSettings] table
 25161 Configuration Database error: no records in the [MaintenanceSettings] table
 25162 Configuration Database error: unable to update [MaintenanceSettings] table
 25165 Configuration Database error: unable to query [WebViews] table
 25166 Configuration Database error: no records in the [WebView] table
 25167 Configuration Database error: unable to update [WebViews] table
 25170 Configuration Database error: unable to query [SnmpTrapsSettings] table
 25171 Configuration Database error: no records in the [SnmpTrapsSettings] table
 25172 Configuration Database error: unable to update [SnmpTrapsSettings] table
 25173 Configuration Database error: unable to query [DateTimeSettings] table
 25174 Configuration Database error: no records in the [DateTimeSettings] table
 25175 Configuration Database error: unable to update [DateTimeSettings] table
 25176 Configuration Database error: unable to query [AutoBackupSettings] table
 25177 Configuration Database error: no records in the [AutoBackupSettings] table
 25178 Configuration Database error: unable to update [AutoBackupSettings] table
 25180 Configuration Database error: unable to query [PagerSettings] table
 25181 Configuration Database error: no records in the [PagerSettings] table
 25182 Configuration Database error: unable to update [PagerSettings] table
 25185 Configuration Database error: unable to query [SmsSettings] table
 25186 Configuration Database error: no records in the [SmsSettings] table
 25187 Configuration Database error: unable to update [SmsSettings] table
 25188 Configuration Database error: unable to query [WhatsappSettings] table
 25189 Configuration Database error: no records in the [WhatsappSettings] table
 25190 Configuration Database error: unable to update [WhatsappSettings] table
 25194 Configuration Database error: unable to query [AdvancedSettings] table
 25195 Configuration Database error: no records in the [AdvancedSettings] table
 25196 Configuration Database error: unable to update [AdvancedSettings] table
 25200 Failed to initialize one or more monitoring threads.
 25201 Unable to access the 'Config.sdf' configuration file. Please make sure this file exists in the 'Configuration' directory and make sure that you have read/write access to this file
 25202 ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine could not start due to a configuration consistency failure
 25203 Failed to convert configuration file
 25204 Memory allocation failed
 25205 Configuration file is not compatible with ActiveXperts Network Monitor (version information cannot be retrieved from the configuration file)
 25206 Configuration file is created by a newer version of ActiveXperts Network Monitor
 25207 Configuration file is created by an older version of ActiveXperts Network Monitor
 25208 Path to the configuration directory is empty; please check your registry, or re-install the product
 25209 ActiveX component [AxNmCfg.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 25210 System Database File does not exist
 25211 ProgData directory consistency check failed
 25212 Root Folder (ID:1) does not exist.
 25213 Default Node (ID:2) does not exist.
 25214 Registry entry missing: ProgFilesFolder
 25215 One or more Program Files Folders are missing
 25216 One or more ProgramData Folders are missing
 25217 Configuration file does not exist
 25218 Registry entry missing: ProgDataFolder
 25219 ActiveXperts Network Monitor Engine could not start due to a licensing failure
 25220 You cannot add more checks or folders to the configuration because the maximum number of nodes will be exceeded
 25240 Check does not exist
 25241 Folder does not exist
 25242 Maximum number of checks in configuration

Errors 25300-25399 (ActiveXperts Network Monitor - RepCfg.dll)
Error Description
 25300 No database connection string specified
 25301 Unable to connect to the statistical database
 25302 Failed to execute SQL query in the statistical database
 25303 Empty record set (not enough data to process report)
 25304 Failed to load 'Checks' table from statistical database
 25305 Failed to load 'CheckTypes' table from statistical database
 25306 Failed to load 'Results' table from statistical database
 25310 Reporting module not initialized
 25311 Reporting not enabled
 25312 Check does not exist in the 'Checks' table of the Statistical Database
 25313 Check Type does not exist in the 'CheckTypes' table of the Statistical Database
 25318 Memory allocation failed
 25320 E-mail not enabled for this report definition
 25321 E-mail notificatons are not enabled in Network Monitor. To enable notifications, enable e-mail notifications in the 'Network Monitor Manager' application
 25322 Primary SMTP server is disabled
 25323 Secundary SMTP server is disabled
 25330 Reporttype is not specified, specify either 'detail' or 'availability'
 25331 Reportformat is not specified, specify either 'XML', 'HTML' or 'CSV' format
 25333 Invalid or no time period specified
 25334 No XSL stylesheet specified
 25335 XSL stylesheet does not exist
 25336 Failed to copy XSL stylesheet to the output directory
 25337 Separator for CSV file missing
 25338 Failed to create output file
 25339 Insufficient data in database to create report
 25340 Failed to create temp file
 25350 Failed to load the report configuration (.rep) file
 25370 Invalid parameters supplied
 25371 Invalid date supplied
 25372 Unsupported object type
 25373 Invalid filter object supplied
 25374 Invalid output object supplied
 25375 ActiveX component [AxMmCtl.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 25380 Failed to launch PDF Converter AxPrxPdf32.exe
 25381 PDF Conversion timed out
 25382 PDF Conversion finished without completion code
 25385 PDF Conversion failed; HtmlConverter.dll not registered
 25386 PDF Conversion failed; exception was raised by HtmlConverter.dll
 25399 Unexpected error

Errors 25400-25699 (ActiveXperts Network Monitor)
Error Description
 25500 Unable to retrieve source database name out of the Database Connection String
 25501 Unable to Export configuration. Configuration file does not exist
 25502 Unable to Export configuration. Copy File failed
 25503 Unable to delete previous Shadow Configuration File
 25504 Unable to copy System Configuration File to the Shadow Configuration File
 25505 Unable to copy Shadow Configuration File to the Current Configuration File
 25506 Unable to locate current configuration file
 25507 Current live configuration file is in use. Please retry
 25508 Unable to load conversion module
 25520 File is not a Network Monitor 5.x configuration file
 25521 File is not a Network Monitor 6.x configuration file
 25522 Failed to import Network Monitor configuration file
 25523 Microsoft Office Access 2010 (*.mdb and *.accdb) 64-bit driver not installed
 25524 Configuration version conflict detected
 25600 Failed to clear SSH:STDOUT file
 25601 Failed to clear SSH:STDERR file
 25602 Failed to clear SSH:STDRES file
 25610 SSH::OpenSession failed to complete
 25611 SSH::ExecuteCommand failed to complete
 25612 SSH::CloseSession failed to complete

Errors 26000-26099 (ActiveXperts Network Monitor - Popup Message)
Error Description
 26000 Unable to send popup message, access denied
 26001 Unable to send popup message, invalid paramater
 26002 Unable to send popup message, net send is not supported
 26003 Unable to send popup message, user or computer is not found
 26004 Unable to send popup message, general failure occurred in the network hardware
 26005 Unable to send popup message, unknown error

Errors 26100-26200 (ActiveXperts Network Monitor - Twilio SMS and Whatsapp)
Error Description
 26101 The from address associated with your Twilio account cannot be used to send this type of message (Twilio error:21603)
 26102 The recipient address is missing or has an invalid number format, or your Twilio account setup does not allow sending to this region.
 26103 In order to send notification messages via Twilio, TLS version 1.2 is required
 26110 You have entered an empty or an account SID which is missing characters
 26111 AUTH Token is invalid
 26115 The sender or from address provided uses an invalid number format. Please use the international phone number format
 26116 The recipient address provided uses an invalid number format. Please use the international phone number format
 26120 The body text of the message is empty. Please check the notification configuration for this check
 26130 The recipient's address has the correct format, but the phone number does not exist
 26131 You are trying to send a message to a non verified contact using your Twilio account
 26132 The from address has not been registered with this Twilio account
 26133 The URL used to send the message is no longer in use. Please check your account SID
 26140 The request was sent successfully but there was no response from the server
 26141 The request was sent successfully but the response is in an unexpected format and could not be processed
 26150 Unknown error reported by the Twilio server, please check the trace file for more details

Errors 27000-27299 (ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server - CFG (Obsolete 5.0 codes))
Error Description
 27000 Registry entry 'ServerRoot' missing
 27001 Registry entry 'Configuration' missing
 27002 ActiveX component [AxSmsCfg.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27003 ActiveX component [AEmail.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27004 ActiveX component [AComPort.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27005 ActiveX component [ASocket.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27006 ActiveX component [AxPop3.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27007 ActiveX component [ASmsCtrl.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27008 ActiveX component [AxEdit.dll] not registered on this computer. Either manually register this DLL on this machine, or reinstall the product
 27009 Registry entry 'Server' missing
 27010 Internal error: unable to create new ActiveX object
 27011 Internal error: unable to create new ADODB object
 27012 Registry entry 'ClientRoot' missing
 27013 One or more HTML files needed by the program are missing
 27020 Unable to open the Configuration Database
 27021 Unable to query the Configuration Database
 27022 No more records
 27023 Unable to create new configuration record; maximum allowed number is reached
 27024 Unable to create new configuration record
 27025 Unable to modify configuration record
 27026 Unable to delete configuration record
 27050 Empty Message Database Connection String
 27051 Unable to open Message Database
 27052 Syntax error in database query
 27053 Syntax error in querying all database fields
 27054 No more messages in message Database
 27060 Unable to create new message
 27061 Unable to update message
 27062 Unable to execute query in Message Database
 27063 Syntax error in the WAP Message Body
 27064 Unable to open the Message Database because the 64-bit Microsoft ACE OLEDB Driver is missing. See FAQ 8850040
 27065 Unable to open the Message Database because a 32-bit MS Access version was detected on this 64-bit OS. See FAQ 8850050
 27100 Empty Archive Database Connection String
 27101 Unable to open Archive Database
 27102 Unable to query Archive Database
 27103 No more messages in Archive Database
 27104 Unable to create new message in Archive Database
 27105 Unable to update message in Archive Database
 27106 Unable to execute query in Archive Database
 27107 Unable to delete message from Archive Database
 27200 Invalid schedule time

Errors 27300-27399 (ActiveXperts SMS Messaging Server - Pop3 (Obsolete 5.0 codes))
Error Description
 27300 No welcome message received from Pop3 Server (no response at all, expected response: '+OK POP3 Ready')
 27301 No welcome message received from Pop3 Server (invalid response, '+OK POP3 Ready' was expected)
 27302 No response received on '+USER' command
 27303 Invalid response received on '+USER' command
 27304 Login failed
 27305 No response received on '+PASSWORD' command
 27306 Invalid response received on '+PASSWORD' command
 27307 No connection to POP3 server established
 27308 Invalid message indicator; message should start with '+OK '.
 27309 Invalid message (MIME header is empty)
 27310 Cannot load ACTIVEXPERTS:SOCKET module
 27311 No more messages available

Errors 29000-29199 (ActiveXperts Scripting Toolkit - Scripting Host)
Error Description
 29101 Internal error
 29102 Timeout while accessing scriptfile (file is in use)
 29103 Failed to create mutex
 29120 There is an error in the script code
 29121 Script timed out
 29122 Failed to wait for mutex
 29123 Fatal Exception Error occurred while executing script
 29124 The specified module could not be found.
 29125 The specified module is not a valid component
 29130 The specified script file could not be found
 29131 The specified function could not be found in the script file specified
 29132 Invalid parameter count or type mismatch

Errors 29200-29299 (ActiveXperts Scripting Toolkit - RemoteCommand)
Error Description
 29201 Internal error
 29202 Failed to create mutex
 29203 Timeout while accessing file (file is in use)
 29210 Unable to install service on remote computer
 29211 Unable to open service on remote computer
 29212 Unable to start service on remote computer
 29220 Failed to create UNC name
 29221 Unable to bind to MPR.DLL library
 29230 Invalid hostname or ip-address specified
 29231 Username missing
 29232 Password missing
 29233 Command missing
 29234 Failed to retrieve local machine name
 29235 Authentication failed, please check username and password
 29236 Failed to connect to host
 29237 Failed to load service executable from resource
 29238 Failed to copy agent to remote host
 29239 Failed to start service on remote host
 29240 Failed to connect to agent on remote host
 29241 Failed to stop service
 29242 Timeout occurred when executing command
 29243 Failed to retrieve stderr or stdout from remote host
 29244 Failed to execute local command: cannot create pipe
 29245 Failed to execute local command: cannot create process
 29246 Execution of PowerShell scripts is disabled on this system. Check the ActiveXperts FAQ

Errors 30000-30199 (ActiveXperts Serial Component - COM IO)
Error Description
 30100 Generic port error
 30101 Invalid port parameter
 30102 Unable to perform operation because the device does not exist
 30103 Unable to perform operation because the device is already opened
 30104 Generic open port error
 30105 Unable to initialize port
 30106 Unable to write to device
 30107 Unable to write directly to device
 30108 Unable to read from device
 30109 Unable to retrieve device settings
 30110 Unable to change device settings
 30111 Unable to purge the device
 30112 Port timeout
 30113 Invalid baudrate selected
 30114 The device is not opened
 30115 No more data available in receive buffer
 30116 License code is invalid
 30117 Saving license to registry failed
 30118 Evaluation period has expired. You must purchase the product, or else uninstall the software
 30120 You need a professional or distribution license to use this function

Errors 30200-30299 (ActiveXperts Serial ComponentSerial Communications - TAPI)
Error Description
 30200 Unable to start telephony service
 30201 Cannot find specified devicename
 30202 Cannot open specified device
 30203 TAPI Device Manager failed to respond
 30204 Windows Telephony Device is not available
 30205 Windows Telephony Device is not accessible
 30206 Windows Telephony Device cannot be used, invalid bearer mode
 30209 Windows Telephony Device is not accessible
 30210 Windows Telephony Device status cannot be retrieved

Errors 30300-30399 (ActiveXperts Serial ComponentSerial Communications - Modem errors)
Error Description
 30350 No response from modem
 30351 Unexpected response from modem
 30352 Error response from modem
 30353 No dialtone detected upon attempt to connect to remote party
 30354 No carrier reported while connecting to remote party
 30355 No answer reported while connecting to remote party
 30356 Busy tone reported while connecting to remote party

Errors 31600-31799 (Remote Access Service)
Error Description
 31600 An operation is pending
 31601 An invalid port handle was detected
 31602 The specified port is already open
 31603 The caller's buffer is too small
 31604 Incorrect information was specified
 31605 The port information cannot be set
 31606 The specified port is not connected
 31607 An invalid event was detected
 31608 A device was specified that does not exist
 31609 A device type was specified that does not exist
 31610 An invalid buffer was specified
 31611 A route was specified that is not available
 31612 A route was specified that is not allocated
 31613 An invalid compression was specified
 31614 There were insufficient buffers available
 31615 The specified port was not found
 31616 An asynchronous request is pending
 31617 The modem (or other connecting device) is already disconnecting
 31618 The specified port is not open
 31619 A connection to the remote computer could not be established
 31620 No endpoints could be determined
 31621 The system could not open the phone book file
 31622 The system could not load the phone book file
 31623 The system could not find the phonebook entry for this connection
 31624 The system could not update the phone book file
 31625 The system found invalid information in the phone book
 31626 A string could not be loaded
 31627 A key could not be found
 31628 The connection was terminated by the remote computer
 31629 The connection was closed by the remote computer
 31630 The modem (or other connecting device) was disconnected due to hardware failure
 31631 The user disconnected the modem (or other connecting device)
 31632 An incorrect structure size was detected
 31633 The modem (or other connecting device) is already in use
 31634 Your computer could not be registered on the remote network
 31635 There was an unknown RAS error
 31636 The device attached to the port is not the one expected
 31637 A string was detected that could not be converted
 31638 The remote server is not responding in a timely fashion
 31639 No asynchronous net is available
 31640 An error has occurred involving NetBIOS
 31641 The sever cannot allocate NetBIOS resourced needed to support the client
 31642 One of your computer's NetBIOS names is already registered on the remote network
 31643 A network adapter at the server failed
 31644 You will not receive network message popups
 31645 There was an internal authentication error
 31646 The account is not permitted to log on at this time of day
 31647 The account is disabled
 31648 The password for this account has expired
 31649 The account does not have permission to dial in
 31650 The remote access server is not responding
 31651 The modem (or other connecting device) has reported an error
 31652 There was an unrecognized response from the modem (or other connecting device)
 31653 A macro required by the modem (or other connecting device) was not found
 31654 A command or response in the device.INF file section
 31655 The macro was not found in the device.INF file section
 31656 The macro in the device.INF file section contains an undefined macro
 31657 The device.INF file could not be opened
 31658 The device name in the device.INF or media.INI file is too long
 31659 The media.INI file refers to an unknown device name
 31660 The device.INF file contains no responses for the command
 31661 The device.INF file is missing a command
 31662 There was an attempt to set a macro not listed in device.INF file section
 31663 The media.INI file refers to an unknown device type
 31664 The system has run out of memory
 31665 The modem (or other connecting device) is not properly configured
 31666 The modem (or other connecting device) is not functioning
 31667 The system was unable to read the media.INI file
 31668 The connection was terminated
 31669 The usage parameter in the media.INI file is invalid
 31670 The system was unable to read the section name from the media.INI file
 31671 The system was unable to read the device type from the media.INI file
 31672 The system was unable to read the device name from the media.INI file
 31673 The system was unable to read the usage from the media.INI file
 31674 The system was unable to read the maximum connection BPS rate from the media.INI file
 31675 The system was unable to read the maximum carrier connection speed from the media.INI file
 31676 The phone line is busy
 31677 A person answered instead of a modem (or other connecting device)
 31678 The remote computer did not respond. For further assistance, click More Info or search Help and Support Center for this error number
 31679 The system could not detect the carrier
 31680 There was no dial tone
 31681 The modem (or other connecting device) reported a general error
 31682 There was an error in writing the section name
 31683 There was an error in writing the device type
 31684 There was an error in writing the device nam
 31685 There was an error in writing the maximum connection speed
 31686 There was an error in writing the maximum carrier speed
 31687 There was an error in writing the usage
 31688 There was an error in writing the default-off
 31689 There was an error in reading the default-off
 31690 The ini file is empty
 31691 Access was denied because the username and/or password was invalid on the domain
 31692 There was a hardware failure in the modem (or other connecting device)
 31695 The state machines are not started
 31696 The state machines are already started
 31697 The response looping did not complete
 31698 A response keyname in the device.INF file is not in the expected format
 31699 The modem (or other connecting device) response caused a buffer overflow
 31700 The expanded command in the device.INF file is too long
 31701 The modem moved to a connection speed not supported by the COM driver
 31702 Device response received when none expected
 31703 The connection needs information from you, but the application does not allow user interaction
 31704 The callback number is invalid
 31705 The authorization state is invalid
 31707 There was an error related to the X.25 protocol
 31708 The account has expired
 31709 There was an error changing the password on the domain. The password might have been too short or might have matched a previously used password
 31710 Serial overrun errors were detected while communicating with the modem
 31711 A configuration error on this computer is preventing this connection. For further assistance, click More Info or search Help and Support Center for this error number
 31712 The two-way port is initializing. Wait a few seconds and redial
 31713 No active ISDN lines are available
 31714 No ISDN channels are available to make the call
 31715 Too many errors occurred because of poor phone line quality
 31716 The Remote Access Service IP configuration is unusable
 31717 No IP addresses are available in the static pool of Remote Access Service IP addresses
 31718 The connection was terminated because the remote computer did not respond in a timely manner.
 31719 The PPP connection was terminated by the remote computer
 31720 No PPP protocols configured for this connection
 31721 The remote computer did not respond
 31722 Invalid data was received from the remote computer. This data was ignored
 31723 The phone number, including prefix and suffix, is too long
 31724 The IPX protocol cannot dial out on the modem (or other connecting device) because this computer is not configured for dialing out (it is an IPX router)
 31725 The IPX protocol cannot dial in on the modem (or other connecting device) because this computer is not configured for dialing in (the IPX router is not installed)
 31726 The IPX protocol cannot be used for dialing out on more than one modem (or other connecting device) at a time
 31727 Cannot access TCPCFG.DLL
 31728 The system cannot find an IP adapte
 31729 SLIP cannot be used unless the IP protocol is installed
 31730 Computer registration is not complete
 31731 The protocol is not configured
 31732 Your computer and the remote computer could not agree on PPP control protocols
 31733 A RAS connection to the remote computer could not be completed. You might need to adjust the protocols on this computer
 31734 The PPP link control protocol was terminated
 31735 The requested address was rejected by the server
 31736 The remote computer terminated the control protocol
 31737 PPP Loopback was detected
 31738 The server did not assign an address
 31739 The authentication protocol required by the remote server cannot use the stored password. Redial, entering the password explicitly
 31740 An invalid dialing rule was detected
 31741 The local computer does not support the required data encryption type
 31742 The remote computer does not support the required data encryption type
 31743 The remote computer requires data encryption
 31744 The system cannot use the IPX network number assigned by the remote computer
 31751 The callback number contains an invalid character. Only the following 18 characters are allowed: 0 to 9, T, P, W, (, ), -, @, and space
 31752 A syntax error was encountered while processing a script
 31753 The connection could not be disconnected because it was created by the multi-protocol router
 31754 The system could not find the multi-link bundle
 31755 The system cannot perform automated dial because this connection has a custom dialer specified
 31756 This connection is already being dialed
 31757 Remote Access Services could not be started automatically. Additional information is provided in the event log
 31758 Internet Connection Sharing is already enabled on the connection
 31759 An error occurred while the existing Internet Connection Sharing settings were being changed
 31760 An error occurred while routing capabilities were being enabled
 31761 An error occurred while Internet Connection Sharing was being enabled for the connection
 31762 An error occurred while the local network was being configured for sharing
 31763 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled
 31764 No smart card reader is installed
 31765 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled
 31766 A certificate could not be found. Connections that use the L2TP protocol over IPSec require the installation of a machine certificate, also known as a computer certificate
 31767 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected as the private network has more than one IP address configured. Please reconfigure the LAN connection with a single IP address before enabling Internet Connection Sharing
 31768 The connection attempt failed because of failure to encrypt data
 31769 The specified destination is not reachable
 31770 The remote computer rejected the connection attempt
 31771 The connection attempt failed because the network is busy
 31772 The remote computer's network hardware is incompatible with the type of call requested
 31773 The connection attempt failed because the destination number has changed
 31774 The connection attempt failed because of a temporary failure. Try connecting again
 31775 The call was blocked by the remote computer
 31776 The call could not be connected because the remote computer has invoked the Do Not Disturb feature
 31777 The connection attempt failed because the modem (or other connecting device) on the remote computer is out of order
 31778 It was not possible to verify the identity of the serve
 31779 To dial out using this connection you must use a smart card
 31780 An attempted function is not valid for this connection
 31781 The connection requires a certificate, and no valid certificate was found
 31782 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) and Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) cannot be enabled because Routing and Remote Access has been enabled on this computer
 31783 Internet Connection Sharing cannot be enabled. The LAN connection selected as the private network is either not present, or is disconnected from the network. Please ensure that the LAN adapter is connected before enabling Internet Connection Sharing
 31784 You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is configured to use a user name different than the one on the smart card. If you want to use it at logon time, you must configure it to use the user name on the smart card
 31785 You cannot dial using this connection at logon time, because it is not configured to use a smart card. If you want to use it at logon time, you must edit the properties of this connection so that it uses a smart card
 31786 The L2TP connection attempt failed because there is no valid machine certificate on your computer for security authentication
 31787 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not authenticate the remote computer
 31788 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer could not negotiate compatible parameters with the remote computer
 31789 The L2TP connection attempt failed because the security layer encountered a processing error during initial negotiations with the remote computer
 31790 The L2TP connection attempt failed because certificate validation on the remote computer failed
 31791 The L2TP connection attempt failed because security policy for the connection was not foun
 31792 The L2TP connection attempt failed because security negotiation timed out
 31793 The L2TP connection attempt failed because an error occurred while negotiating security
 31794 The Framed Protocol RADIUS attribute for this user is not PPP
 31795 The Tunnel Type RADIUS attribute for this user is not correct
 31796 The Service Type RADIUS attribute for this user is neither Framed nor Callback Framed
 31797 A connection to the remote computer could not be established because the modem was not found or was busy
 31798 A certificate could not be found that can be used with this Extensible Authentication Protocol
 31799 Internet Connection Sharing (ICS) cannot be enabled due to an IP address conflict on the network. ICS requires the host be configured to use Please ensure that no other client on the network is configured to use

Errors 32000-32200 (LDAP)
Error Description
 32001 LDAP: Operations error
 32002 LDAP: Protocol error
 32003 LDAP: Time limit exceeded
 32004 LDAP: Size limit exceeded
 32005 LDAP: Compare false
 32006 LDAP: Compare true
 32007 LDAP: Authentication method not supported
 32008 LDAP: Strong authentication method required
 32009 LDAP: Referral V2
 32010 LDAP: Partial results
 32011 LDAP: Referral
 32012 LDAP: Admin limit exceeded
 32013 LDAP: Critical extension unavailable
 32014 LDAP: Confidentiality required
 32016 LDAP: No such attribute
 32017 LDAP: Undefined type
 32018 LDAP: Inappropriate matching
 32019 LDAP: Constraint violation
 32020 LDAP: Attribute or value exists
 32021 LDAP: Invalid Syntax
 32032 LDAP: Object not found
 32033 LDAP: Alias problem
 32034 LDAP: Invalid distinguished name syntax
 32035 LDAP: Is leaf
 32036 LDAP: Alias dereference problem
 32048 LDAP: Inappropriate authentication
 32049 LDAP: Invalid Credentials
 32050 LDAP: Insufficient rights
 32051 LDAP: Server busy
 32052 LDAP: Server unavailable
 32053 LDAP: Unwilling to perform
 32054 LDAP: Loop detected
 32064 LDAP: Naming violation
 32065 LDAP: Object class violation
 32066 LDAP: Not allowed on non-leaf entry
 32067 LDAP: Not allowed on RDN
 32068 LDAP: Already Exists
 32069 LDAP: No object class modifications allowed
 32070 LDAP: Results to large
 32071 LDAP: Affects multiple DSAS
 32080 LDAP: Generic Error
 32081 LDAP: Server down
 32082 LDAP: Local error
 32083 LDAP: Encoding error
 32084 LDAP: Decoding error
 32085 LDAP: Operation timed out
 32086 LDAP: Authentication unknown
 32087 LDAP: Error in filter
 32088 LDAP: User cancelled
 32089 LDAP: Invalid parameter
 32090 LDAP: Out of memory
 32091 LDAP: Connection error
 32092 LDAP: Operation not supported
 32093 LDAP: No results returned
 32094 LDAP: Control not found
 32095 LDAP: More results to return
 32096 LDAP: Client loop
 32097 LDAP: Referral limit exceeded
 32101 LDAP: Not connected to server
 32102 LDAP: Failed to load WinLDAP library

Errors 33000-34399 (ActiveXpertsSMS and MMS Toolkit - Misc Errors)
Error Description
 33003 Professional license required to use this function
 33005 Invalid parameter passed to function
 33035 Invalid message class
 33036 Invalid message priority
 33050 Failed to load provider config file, file not found
 33051 Failed to load provider config file, file corrupt
 33052 Failed to save provider config file, failed to write file
 33060 No more messages in receive buffer
 33061 Failed to query message, or invalid messagereference specified
 33070 Failed to save deliveryreports. Unable to open file for writing.
 33071 Failed to load deliveryreports. Unable to open file for reading.
 33130 Device used is not a GSM device
 33131 Device used does not support GPRS/UMTS
 33140 There is no SIM card in the GSM device
 33141 SIM card requires PIN code
 33142 PIN code entered is invalid
 33150 Selected message storage is not available on this GSM device
 33151 Device used does not support the storage of SMS delivery report messages
 33160 No network coverage, or network busy
 33170 SMS service center (SMSC) address not set
 33171 Failed to set SMS service center (SMSC) address
 33201 Failed to connect to SMPP server, please check hostname or IP address
 33202 Failed to bind to SMPP server, please check SystemID and Password
 33203 Invalid SystemID specified
 33204 Invalid Password specified
 33205 Not bound to SMPP server, please connect first
 33206 SMPP operation timed out
 33207 Invalid System Type specified
 33208 Failed to send message, currently bound as a receiver
 33209 Invalid SMPP version
 33210 Failed to cancel SMS message
 33211 To receive a deliveryreport, you have to connect as transceiver, not as a transmitter
 33215 Failed to submit the SMS message, SMPP provider rejected the message
 33216 Recipient address blocked or nut supported by SMPP provider
 33217 SMPP Throttling error, please reduce message throughput
 33225 Insufficient message credits to submit SMS message
 33230 Invalid TLV type specified
 33231 Invalid TLV tag specified
 33232 TLV parameter not found
 33301 Error response received from provider
 33302 Unknown response received from provider
 33303 URL template for sending text messages not set
 33304 URL template for sending data messages not set
 33305 URL template for sending unicode messages not set
 33306 The evaluation period has expired
 33307 The daily limit has been reached
 33308 No 'To' address has been specified
 33309 The HTTP Post operation failed
 33310 The HTTP Get operation failed
 33460 Invalid UCP provider
 33461 No response from UCP provider
 33462 Provider reported a syntax error
 33463 Provider rejected the message (NACK)
 33501 Error during initial negotiation phase
 33503 Pager number not allowed or blocked by provider
 33504 Invalid message
 33505 Message was sent, but no (N)ACK received
 33600 No SNPP provider specified, please check hostname or IP address
 33601 Failed to connect to SNPP provider, please check hostname or IP address
 33602 Invalid SNPP password
 33603 Invalid Pager ID or pincode
 33610 SNPP command not supported
 33611 No response from SNPP provider, operation timed out
 33710 No connection to GPRS/UMTS network, please connect first
 33711 Failed to create Dial Up Networking entry for the GPRS/UMTS connection
 33712 Generic Dial-up networking error
 33720 Missing MMSC server address
 33721 Missing GPRS access point name (APN)
 33722 Missing WAP gateway address
 33723 Invalid WAP gateway address. You should use the following format:
 33730 No response received from WAP gateway
 33731 Error response received from WAP gateway
 33761 MMSC response: unspecified error
 33762 MMSC response: service denied
 33763 MMSC response: corrupt message format
 33764 MMSC response: sending address unresolved
 33765 MMSC response: message not found
 33766 MMSC response: network problem
 33767 MMSC response: content not accepted
 33768 MMSC response: unsupported message
 33780 Abort: Protocol error, illegal PDU received
 33781 Abort: Session has been disconnected
 33782 Abort: Session has been suspended
 33783 Abort: Session has been resumed
 33784 Abort: The peer is congested and cannot process the SDU
 33785 Abort: The session connect failed
 33786 Abort: The maximum receive unit size was exceeded
 33787 Abort: The maximum number of outstanding requests was exceeded
 33788 Abort: Peer request
 33789 Abort: Network error occurred
 33790 Abort: User request
 33800 MM7 Error: Client error
 33801 MM7 Error: Operation restricted
 33802 MM7 Error: Address error
 33803 MM7 Error: Address not found
 33804 MM7 Error: Multimedia content refused
 33805 MM7 Error: Message ID not found
 33806 MM7 Error: Linked ID not found
 33807 MM7 Error: Message forumat corrupt
 33808 MM7 Error: Application ID not found
 33809 MM7 Error: Reply application ID not found
 33820 MM7 Error: Server error
 33821 MM7 Error: Not possible
 33822 MM7 Error: Message Rejected
 33823 MM7 Error: Multiple addresses not supported
 33824 MM7 Error: Application addressing not supported
 33830 MM7 Error: General service error
 33831 MM7 Error: Improper identification
 33832 MM7 Error: Unsupported version
 33833 MM7 Error: Unsupported operation
 33834 MM7 Error: Validation error
 33835 MM7 Error: Service error
 33836 MM7 Error: Service unavailable
 33837 MM7 Error: Service denied
 33838 MM7 Error: Application Denied
 34010 Invalid providerdialstring
 34030 Invalid sender address
 34031 Invalid recipient address
 34032 Invalid number format; missing prefix: '+' (for international) or 'S' (for shortcode).
 34033 SMS message is too long. To send multipart SMS messages, set the multipart option
 34034 SMS format is not valid, or not supported using this protocol
 34040 Invalid SmsMessage object passed to the Send function
 34050 Invalid message reference
 34130 No recipient address(es) specified
 34131 Invalid recipient address used in either To, CC or BCC field
 34133 Size of MMS message exceeds the maximum message size
 34134 MMS Subject is too long
 34135 Invalid MMS message class
 34136 Invalid MMS message priority
 34137 Invalid attachment or attachment not found
 34138 Invalid SMIL file or file not found
 34140 No slides defined for this MMS message, message is empty
 34141 Invalid MmsMessage object passed to send function
 34151 Failed to save MMS file, failed to open file
 34152 Failed to save MMS file, invalid or no file name specified
 34153 Failed to load MMS file, failed to open file
 34154 Failed to load MMS file, file is corrupt or not a MMS file
 34160 No more recipients
 34161 No more slides
 34162 No more content found
 34200 Invalid PagerMessage object passed to the Send function
 34221 Invalid networkcode specified
 34225 SMPP server disconnected unexpectedly
 34226 Failed to send test message
 34227 Timeout while trying to send test message
 34301 Failed to load picturefile, failed to open file
 34302 Failed to load picturefile, invalid format
 34303 No picture file loaded or selected
 34304 Invalid countrycode specified

Errors 35000-35100 (ActiveXpertsTwitter Toolkit)
Error Description
 35000 An access token is required for this operation.
 35001 An access token secret is required for this operation.
 35002 Authentication failed. You need to have a valid access and consumer key.
 35003 A valid consumer key is required for this operation.
 35004 A valid consumer secret is required for this operation.
 35005 An unexpected HTTP response code was returned
 35006 An unexpected error occurred while requesting authentication keys
 35007 Could not add this person to your friends list since you are already friends
 35008 Twitter API returned an error message. Make sure to create a logfile and check this file to see the error message
 35009 Your Tweet is too long. A Tweet can be 140 characters long
 35010 This method requires either a valid name or a valid user id
 35011 This method requires a valid query string
 35012 Error while parsing the Twitter response body
 35013 Error while initiazing the MSXML component and parsing the twitter response body
 35014 Unexpected error
 35015 There are no (more) status messages
 35016 No message to Tweet
 35017 There was an error while opening the key file
 35018 There was an error while saving the key file
 35019 Could not find the specified key file
 35020 The specified key file is empty
 35021 There are no (more) users

Errors 36000-36999 (ActiveXpertsMobile Messaging Toolkit)
Error Description
 36000 Invalid bind type specified.
 36001 Invalid protocol version specified
 36002 Invalid argument
 36003 The SMS message body is too long
 36004 The message was not correctly formatted. A HEX message should be formatted in hex e.g. '05040A'.
 36005 Invalid bodyformat specified
 36006 No more updated messages pending
 36007 No more incoming messages pending
 36008 No more TLV's
 36009 Failed to start SMPP client connection thread
 36010 Failed to connect to server; Connection timed out
 36011 Failed to connect to server
 36012 Operation timed out
 36013 Failed to bind to server; Bind timed out
 36014 Invalid connection state. Should be connected or bound for this operation
 36015 Out of memory
 36017 Timeout while receiving data
 36018 Unexpected PDU length; Closed connection
 36019 Invalid PDU format; Closed connection
 36020 Invalid parameter
 36021 Command PDU timed out; Closed connection
 36022 Connection was closed by host.
 36023 Timeout while un-binding
 36024 SMS Query queue full, this message was not submitted. Wait a bit before querying other SMS messages.
 36025 Failed to bind to this server
 36027 Invalid password
 36028 Invalid system id
 36029 Invalid service type
 36030 Invalid UDH. Either multipart mode is set to SARTLV or the message UDH contains conflicting elements.
 36031 No TLV based multipart modes can be used when connecting as version 3.3
 36032 Invalid number format. The phone number should be numeric and less than 15 characters long.
 36033 SMS Submit queue full, this message was not submitted. Wait a bit before adding new SMS messages.
 36034 TCP Receive block too large; Disconnecting
 36091 Error connecting to host
 36092 No more ports
 36093 Invalid UDH. Either the UDH length is unusually large or the message UDH contains conflicting elements.
 36094 No more status reports pending
 36095 No more SMS messages pending
 36096 Timeout while waiting for the device to register on a GSM network
 36097 Failed to query device for preferred storage options
 36098 Storage type not supported on this device
 36099 No more devices
 36100 Could not find the number of attached telephony devices
 36101 PIN required
 36102 PUK required
 36103 Device does not support preferred message format
 36104 Out of memory
 36105 No device opened.
 36106 Device does not support sending SMS messages
 36107 Invalid response from device
 36108 Response timed out
 36109 Data coding in SMS message should be 'Default (0)' when sending in Text mode
 36110 Device does not support receiving SMS messages
 36111 Invalid parameter
 36112 Syntax error in command.
 36113 Unknown error
 36114 Error while waiting for the prompt to send SMS data
 36115 Error while receiving SMS messages
 36116 Timeout while receiving SMS messages
 36117 Multipart messages are not supported in text mode
 36118 Status reports are not supported ini text mode
 36119 UDHI can't be set in text mode
 36120 No SIM card inserted or the GSM command set is not supported
 36121 Unknown equipment error. Check the log file.
 36122 Unknown network error. Check the log file.
 36123 Phone failure
 36124 No connection to phone
 36125 Phone adapter link reserved
 36126 Operation not allowed
 36127 Operation not supported
 36128 PH_SIM PIN required
 36129 PH_FSIM PIN required
 36130 PH_FSIM PUK required
 36131 SIM not inserted
 36132 SIM PIN required
 36133 SIM PUK required
 36134 SIM failure
 36135 SIM busy
 36136 SIM wrong
 36137 Incorrect password
 36138 SIM PIN2 required
 36139 SIM PUK2 required
 36140 Memory full
 36141 Invalid index
 36142 Not found
 36143 Memory failure
 36144 Text string too long
 36145 Invalid characters in text string
 36146 Dial string too long
 36147 Invalid characters in dial string
 36148 No network service
 36149 Network timeout
 36150 Network not allowed, emergency calls only
 36151 Network personalization PIN required
 36152 Network personalization PUK required
 36153 Network subset personalization PIN required
 36154 Network subset personalization PUK required
 36155 Service provider personalization PIN required
 36156 Service provider personalization PUK required
 36157 Corporate personalization PIN required
 36158 Corporate personalization PUK required
 36159 PH-SIM PUK required
 36160 Unknown error
 36161 Illegal MS
 36162 Illegal ME
 36163 GPRS services not allowed
 36164 PLMN not allowed
 36165 Location area not allowed
 36166 Roaming not allowed in this location area
 36167 Operation temporary not allowed
 36168 Service operation not supported
 36169 Requested service option not subscribed
 36170 Service option temporary out of order
 36171 Unspecified GPRS error
 36172 PDP authentication failure
 36173 Invalid mobile class
 36174 Operation temporarily not allowed
 36175 Call barred
 36176 Phone is busy
 36177 User abort
 36178 Invalid dial string
 36179 SS not executed
 36180 SIM Blocked
 36181 Invalid block
 36182 SIM powered down
 36183 Unassigned number
 36184 Operator determined barring
 36185 Call barred
 36186 Short message transfer rejected
 36187 Destination out of service
 36188 Unidentified subscriber
 36189 Facility rejected
 36190 Unknown subscriber
 36191 Network out of order
 36192 Temporary failure
 36193 Congestion
 36194 Resources unavailable
 36195 Requested facility not subscribed
 36196 Requested facility not implemented
 36197 Invalid short message transfer reference value
 36198 Invalid message unspecified
 36199 Invalid mandatory information
 36200 Message type non existent or not implemented
 36201 Message not compatible with short message protocol
 36202 Information element non-existent or not implemented
 36203 Protocol error, unspecified
 36204 Internetworking , unspecified
 36205 Telematic internetworking not supported
 36206 Short message type 0 not supported
 36207 Cannot replace short message
 36208 Unspecified TP-PID error
 36209 Data code scheme not supported
 36210 Message class not supported
 36211 Unspecified TP-DCS error
 36212 Command cannot be actioned
 36213 Command unsupported
 36214 Unspecified TP-Command error
 36215 TPDU not supported
 36216 SC busy
 36217 No SC subscription
 36218 SC System failure
 36219 Invalid SME address
 36220 Destination SME barred
 36221 SM Rejected-Duplicate SM
 36222 TP-VPF not supported
 36223 TP-VP not supported
 36224 D0 SIM SMS Storage full
 36225 No SMS Storage capability in SIM
 36226 Error in MS
 36227 Memory capacity exceeded
 36228 Sim application toolkit busy
 36229 SIM data download error
 36230 Unspecified error cause
 36231 ME Failure
 36232 SMS service of ME reserved
 36233 Operation not allowed
 36234 Operation not supported
 36235 Invalid PDU mode parameter
 36236 Invalid Text mode parameter
 36237 SIM not inserted
 36238 SIM PIN required
 36239 PH-SIM PIN required
 36240 SIM failure
 36241 SIM busy
 36242 SIM wrong
 36243 SIM PUK required
 36244 SIM PIN2 required
 36245 SIM PUK2 required
 36246 Memory failure
 36247 Invalid memory index
 36248 Memory full
 36249 SMSC address unknown
 36250 No network service
 36251 Network timeout
 36252 No +CNMA expected
 36253 Unknown error
 36254 User abort
 36255 Unable to store
 36256 Invalid Status
 36257 Device busy or Invalid Character in string
 36258 Invalid length
 36259 Invalid character in PDU
 36260 Invalid parameter
 36261 Invalid length or character
 36262 Invalid character in text
 36263 Timer expired
 36264 Operation temporary not allowed
 36265 SIM not ready
 36266 Cell Broadcast error unknown
 36267 Protocol stack busy
 36268 Invalid parameter
 36269 Invalid number format. The phone number should be numeric and less than 15 characters long.
 36270 Application ports cannot be used when 'MessageMode' is set to 'Text'
 36300 Failed to load 'WinHTTP' library
 36301 WinHTTP library not loaded
 36302 Create session failed
 36303 Connection timed out
 36304 Maximum number of redirections reached; Aborted
 36305 Malformed URL
 36306 Query headers failed
 36307 Out of memory
 36308 Failed to open file
 36309 Query data size failed
 36310 Memory allocation failed
 36311 Read data failed
 36312 Open connection failed
 36313 Set credentials failed
 36314 Send request failed
 36315 No response received
 36316 Set proxy credentials failed
 36317 Proxy credentials required
 36318 Could not find an authorization scheme
 36319 Certificate error
 36320 Invalid hostname
 36321 Connect to host failed
 36322 WSA Timed out
 36323 Failed to bind to 'WinHTTP' library
 36324 Invalid number format. The phone number should be numeric and less than 15 characters long.
 36400 Invalid hostname
 36401 Invalid port number
 36402 Connection failed
 36403 No response from server
 36404 Unexpected response from server
 36405 Unexpected response from server
 36406 Failed to introduce on the server
 36407 Not connected. An active connection is needed for this operation
 36408 Failed to encrypt communication message
 36409 Send command failed
 36410 The selected mode of authorization is not supported
 36411 Authorization failed
 36414 Secure handshake failed
 36416 Service not available
 36417 Mailbox not available
 36418 Local error
 36419 Insufficient memory on the server
 36420 Client not authenticated
 36421 Unknown command
 36422 Syntax error
 36423 Command not implemented
 36424 Bad command sequence
 36425 Parameter not implemented
 36426 Invalid sender address
 36427 Mail not accepted
 36428 Authentication required
 36429 Authentication failed
 36430 Mailbox not found
 36431 User not local, please try another forward path
 36432 Storage exceeded
 36433 Mailbox name not allowed
 36434 Transaction failed
 36435 The current license does not allow sending an HTML body. Please purchase a license or use the trial version to test sending an HTML body.
 36500 Already connected
 36501 Invalid hostname
 36502 Invalid port number
 36503 Connect failed
 36504 Secure handshake failed
 36505 No response from server
 36506 No welcome message received from server
 36507 Maildrop locked
 36508 Login failed
 36509 No connection
 36510 Unexpected response from server
 36511 Invalid password
 36512 Failed to get the number of mails in the maildrop
 36513 Mailbox empty
 36514 Delete message failed
 36515 No more messages
 36516 Invalid message ID
 36517 Retrieve failed
 36518 Unexpected socket error
 36519 Idle timeout while receiving data
 36520 Timeout while receiving data
 36521 Error while receiving data from server
 36601 Error while decoding MIME
 36602 Error while opening file
 36603 Error while saving file
 36604 Invalid attachment ID
 36605 Decode attachment failed
 36703 Deliver queue full. Wait a bit before adding more messages
 36704 Out of memory
 36705 Session object not instantiated. A usable session object can only be retrieved an instance of SmppServer.
 36706 No more SMS messages submitted.
 36707 No more SMS message queries.
 36708 No more SMS delivery responses.
 36709 Invalid port number. The port number should be between 1 and 65535. The default port number for SMPP is 2775.
 36710 No more sessions connected.
 36711 Could not start SMPP service. Error binding to TCP port
 36712 The SMPP service is already started
 36713 Timeout while trying to start the SMPP service
 36714 Error while starting server thread
 36715 Error while accepting incoming connection
 36716 Invalid parameter
 36717 The client has not requested a bind
 36718 The session must be bound before completing this action.
 36719 Invalid multipart mode. The interface version is set to 3.3 and the Multipart mode is set to SARTLV or PAYLOADTLV
 36720 Invalid UDH. The UDH length may be too large or the may not be an UDH present
 36721 There are too many pending SMS deliveries.
 36722 Session with the specified session id not found
 36800 An access token is required for this operation.
 36801 An access token secret is required for this operation.
 36802 Authentication failed. You need to have a valid access and consumer key.
 36803 A valid consumer key is required for this operation.
 36804 A valid consumer secret is required for this operation.
 36805 An unexpected HTTP response code was returned
 36806 An unexpected error occurred while requesting authentication keys
 36808 Twitter API returned an error message. Make sure to create a logfile and check this file to see the error message
 36809 Operation could not be completed. Check response for the server error text
 36810 This method requires either a valid name or a valid user id
 36811 This method requires a valid query string
 36812 Error while parsing the Twitter response body
 36813 Error while initiazing the MSXML component and parsing the twitter response body
 36814 Unexpected error
 36815 There are no (more) status messages
 36816 No message to Tweet
 36817 There was an error while parsing the key file
 36818 There was an error while saving the key file
 36819 Could not find the specified key file
 36820 There are no (more) users

Errors 37000-37999 (ActiveXperts ActiveEmail)
Error Description
 37400 Invalid hostname
 37401 Invalid port number
 37402 Connection failed
 37403 No response from server
 37404 Unexpected response from server
 37405 Unexpected response from server
 37406 Failed to introduce on the server
 37408 Failed to encrypt communication message
 37410 The selected mode of authorization is not supported
 37411 Authorization failed
 37412 Authorization failed; Make sure that 3rd party apps are allowed in your Gmail profile, see:
 37414 Secure handshake failed
 37435 Failed to save the queue file
 37436 Failed to rename the queue file
 37500 Already connected
 37501 Invalid hostname
 37502 Invalid port number
 37503 Connect failed
 37504 Secure handshake failed
 37506 No welcome message received from server
 37508 Login failed
 37510 Unexpected response from server
 37511 Invalid password
 37512 Invalid password; Make sure that 3rd party apps are allowed in your Gmail profile, see:
 37514 Failed to get the number of mails in the maildrop
 37516 Invalid message ID
 37517 Retrieve failed
 37518 Unexpected socket error
 37521 Error while receiving data from server
 37601 Loading MIME data failed
 37602 Load MIME file failed
 37603 Save MIME file failed
 37604 Invalid attachment
 37605 Open attachment failed
 37606 Load attachment failed
 37607 Save attachment failed
 37608 Invalid FROM e-mail address
 37609 No TO recipients specified
 37610 Invalid TO e-mail address
 37611 Invalid CC e-mail address
 37612 Invalid BCC e-mail address
 37613 Invalid attachment ID
 37614 Decode attachment failed
 37700 Querying SChannel security context failed
 37701 Could not find the certificate chain
 37702 Failed to create new credentials
 37703 Server disconnected unexpectedly
 37704 Could not read from server
 37705 Could not open 'My' certificate store
 37706 Failed to initialize SChannel security context
 37707 Failed to allocate send/receive buffers
 37708 The secure connection was not initialized properly.
 37709 EncryptMessage failure in SSPI module of the Operating System. See
 37710 DecryptMessage failure in SSPI module of the Operating System. See
 37711 Can not finish receiving and decrypting an incomplete message, there is not enough buffer space to hold the rest of the message.
 37712 Cannot set secure when already connected
 37713 Timeout on receive data, reply from server expected

Errors 38000-38999 (Freeware Tools)
Error Description
 38000 Failed to initialize Mobile Messaging toolkit
 38001 Failed to deploy Mobile Messaging toolkit
 38002 Unknown encoding specified
 38003 No to, cc or bcc recipients specified
 38004 Simultaneous use of /bt and /btf is not allowed
 38005 Simultaneous use of /bh and /bhf is not allowed
 38006 No body specified.
 38007 Cannot set both html file and text file to read from STDIN
 38008 Specified plain text file could not be opened or read
 38009 Specified html file could not be opened or read
 38010 Unknown priority specified
 38011 The /mail-header parameter expects an even amount of parameters, i.e. key/value pairs
 38012 No default device found, specify a device or port explicitly
 38100 Module AxsNmVmw.dll not loaded
 38101 Failed to bind to one or more functions in module AxsNmVmw.dll
 38102 Failed to initialize module AxsNmVmw.dll
 38103 Authentication failed. Please check Username and Password
 38104 VMware Guest Tools must be installed for this counter
 38105 VM not running
 38150 Module AxsNmXen.dll not loaded
 38151 Failed to bind to one or more functions in module AxsNmXen.dll
 38152 Failed to initialize module AxsNmXen.dll
 38153 Authentication failed. Please check Username and Password
 38154 Xen Guest Tools must be installed for this counter
 38155 VM not running