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How to use SNMP Trap Sender in Powershell

Network Component provides an easy-to-use development interface to a variety of IP protocols. By using Network Component, you can very easily create or enhance applications with network features.

Network Component features the following: DNS, FTP, HTTP, HTTPs, ICMP Ping, IP-to-Country, MSN, NTP, RSH, SCP, SFTP, SNMP v1/v2c (Get, GetNext, Set), SNMP Traps, SNMP MIB, SSH, TCP, Telnet, TFTP, UDP, Telnet, Wake-On-LAN and more.

Network Component can be well integrated into any development platform that supports ActiveX objects.

Network Component is compliant with SNMP v1 and SNMP v2c. Several SNMP data types are supported, including:

Network Component SNMP traps features:

Step 1: Download and install the Network Component

Download Network Component from the ActiveXperts Download Site and start the installation. The installation guides you through the installation process.

Step 2: Create a new script

Create a new script using your favorite editor. You can simply use notepad. However, a Powershell editor is recommended, so you can browse through objects, objects properties and object functions.

You're now able to write a more advanced script to communicate using the Network Component.

Step 3: Create the Network Component object in Powershell

Create a new Powershell file called DEMO.PS1.

Create the Network Component object(s) like this:

$objSnmpTrapManager = new-object -comobject AxNetwork.DnsServer

Now, add the following lines to the file to have your first Network Component Powershell program:

Write-Host "Network Component Version " $objSnmpTrapManager.Version
Write-Host "  Build  " $objSnmpTrapManager.Build 
Write-Host "  Module " $objSnmpTrapManager.Module
Write-Host "License Status: " $objSnmpTrapManager.LicenseStatus

Appendix: Full source code

# ********************************************************************
# ActiveXperts Network Component Sample - Send SNMP Traps
# (c) Copyright 2011 by ActiveXperts Software 
# ********************************************************************

# ***************************************************************************
# Function ReadInput
# ***************************************************************************
Function ReadInput($strPrompt, $strDefaultValue, $bAllowEmpty)
  $strReturn = ""  
  If ($strDefaultValue -ne "")
     $strPrompt += " leave empty for " + $strDefaultValue
    Write-Host $strPrompt
    $strReturn = read-host
    If ($strReturn -eq "" -and $strDefaultValue -ne "")
      $strReturn = $strDefaultValue
      Write-Host $strReturn
    elseif ($strReturn -eq "" -and $bAllowEmpty -eq $True)
  } While ($strReturn -eq "") 
  Write-Host ""
  return $strReturn


# Create a SnmpTrapOut instance
$objSnmpTrapManager = new-object -comobject AxNetwork.SnmpTrapManager
$objSnmpTrap	 = new-object -comobject AxNetwork.SnmpTrap
$objSnmpObject 	 = new-object -comobject AxNetwork.SnmpObject
$objConstants	 = new-object -comobject AxNetwork.NwConstants

# Display ActiveXperts Network Component Version
Write-Host "ActiveXperts Network Component " $objSnmpTrapManager.Version "`nBuild: " $objSnmpTrapManager.Build "`nModule: "  $objSnmpTrapManager.Module "`nLicense Status: " $objSnmpTrapManager.LicenseStatus "`nLicense Key: " $objSnmpTrapManager.LicenseKey "`n`n";

# Logfile
$objSnmpTrapManager.Logfile = $env:temp + "\objSnmpTrapManagerSend.log"
Write-Host "Log file used: " $objSnmpTrapManager.Logfile "`n"

# Get Host, community name and optionally a MIB file
$strHostName    = ReadInput "Enter the hostname (a remote or local hostname)" "localhost" $False 
$strCommunity   = ReadInput "Enter community" "public" $False 
$strMibFile     = ReadInput "Enter location of MIB file (optional, only required when using alpha-numeric OID's)" "" $True

# Initialize SNMP
$res = "Initialize, result: " + $objSnmpTrapManager.LastError + " (" + $objSnmpTrapManager.GetErrorDescription( $objSnmpTrapManager.LastError ) + ")"
Write-Host $res
If($objSnmpTrapManager.LastError -ne 0 )

# Set SNMP protocol version. if not assigned, then default: nwSNMP_VERSION_V2C will be used.
$objSnmpTrapManager.ProtocolVersion = $objConstants.nwSNMP_VERSION_V2C

If($strMibFile -ne "")

# Set trap properties
$objSnmpTrap.Host	  = $strHostName
$objSnmpTrap.Community = $strCommunity
$objSnmpTrap.Port	  = 162

# Add first variable to trap
$objSnmpObject.OID   = "."
$objSnmpObject.Type  = $objConstants.nwSNMP_TYPE_IPADDRESS
$objSnmpObject.Value = ""


# Add second variable to trap
$objSnmpObject.OID   = "."
$objSnmpObject.Type  = $objConstants.nwSNMP_TYPE_OCTETSTRING
$objSnmpObject.Value = "One two three"

# Send the trap. If you want to use another port than default SNMP trap port 162, set it as optional 2nd parameter
$res = "Send, result: " + $objSnmpTrapManager.LastError + " (" + $objSnmpTrapManager.GetErrorDescription($objSnmpTrapManager.LastError) + ")"
Write-Host $res

# Shutdown SNMP
$res = "Shutdown, result: " + $objSnmpTrapManager.LastError + " (" + $objSnmpTrapManager.GetErrorDescription($objSnmpTrapManager.LastError) + ")"
Write-Host res

# Finished
Write-Host "Finished."

To run the code, start Powershell and browse to the location of the file you just created. Enter .\Demo.ps1 to run the code. Notice that if the script is not working, you have to change the execution policy; you can do that with the following command:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -unrestricted

You can download the complete samples here. There are many other working Network Component scripts on our site and shipped with the product.