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Delphi IP to Country Sample Source Code

Network Component provides an easy-to-use development interface to a variety of IP protocols. By using Network Component, you can very easily create or enhance applications with network features.

Network Component features the following: DNS, FTP, HTTP, HTTPs, ICMP Ping, IP-to-Country, MSN, NTP, RSH, SCP, SFTP, SNMP v1/v2c (Get, GetNext, Set), SNMP Traps, SNMP MIB, SSH, TCP, Telnet, TFTP, UDP, Telnet, Wake-On-LAN and more.

Network Component can be well integrated into any development platform that supports ActiveX objects.

This document describes how the Network Component FtpServer object can be integrated into your projects.

The most important functions of the FtpServer object are:

Step 1: Download and install the Network Component

Download Network Component from the ActiveXperts Download Site and start the installation. The installation guides you through the installation process.

Step 2: Create a new Delphi Project

Launch Borland Delphi from the Start menu. Choose 'New' from the 'File' menu and select your preferred kind of application, for instance: 'VCL Forms Application - Delphi for Win32'. A new Form is displayed in the workspace.

Step 3: Refer to the Network Component Library and create the objects

Now that a new project has been created, you must add a reference to Network Component in the project to be able to use the Network Component object. To do so, choose 'Import Component...' from the 'Component' menu. The Import Components' dialog appears. Select 'Import a Type Library':

Borland Delphi

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In the 'Registered Type Libraries' page, select 'Network Component 4.4 Type Library' and click 'Next':

Borland Delphi

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In the 'Components' page, leave all fields default and click 'Next':

Borland Delphi

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In the 'Install' page, select 'Create Unit' and click 'Next':

Borland Delphi

(Click on the picture to enlarge)

The interface code is generated now and is shown in the AxNetwork_TLB tab of the project.

Step 4: Declare and create the object

From the Project Manager, open Unit1.bas and add the AxNetwork_TLB to the 'Uses' statement to refer to the Network Component library:


(Click on the picture to enlarge)

In the 'private' or 'public' section, declare the following objects:

objIPtoCountry    : IIPtoCountry

You can now create the objects, for instance in the 'FormCreate' function:

objIPtoCountry     := TIPtoCountry.Create(Form1).DefaultInterface;

Appendix: Full source code

You can now lookup IP addresses.

The following code shows how to create a simple IP to country lookup utility:

{                                                                              }
{                              ActiveXperts                                    }
{                                                                              }
{                Network Component: Delphi_Console_FTPgetDemo                  }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
{                                                                              }
program NTPdemo;


 SysUtils, ActiveX,
 AxNetwork_TLB in '../../Imports/AxNetwork_TLB.pas';

{= R e a d   T i m e   s e r v e r ============================================}
function ReadTimeServer():string;

 writeln('Enter a Time Server (leave it blank for a demo time server): ');
 write(' > ');
 if(strHost='')then strHost:= '';

 writeln(' Time server: '+ strHost);


{= T H E   P R O G R A M   I T S E L F ========================================}

 objNTP := CONtp.Create();

 // A license key is required to unlock this component after the trial period
 // has expired. Assign the LicenseKey property every time a new instance of
 // this component is created (see code below). Alternatively, the LicenseKey
 // property can be set automatically. This requires the license key to be
 // stored in the registry. For details, see manual, chapter
 // "Product Activation".
 objNTP.LicenseKey = 'XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX';

 Writeln('ActiveXperts Network Component ' + objNTP.Version + sLineBreak +
   'Build: ' + objNTP.Build + sLineBreak +
   'Module: ' + objNTP.Module + sLineBreak +
   'License Status: ' + objNTP.LicenseStatus + sLineBreak +
   'License Key: ' + objNTP.LicenseKey + sLineBreak);

 strTimeServer := ReadTimeServer;

 writeln(' GetTime result: '+ IntToStr(objNTP.LastError)+'('+objNTP.GetErrorDescription(objNTP.Lasterror)+')');

 if( objNtp.LastError = 0 )then
	 WriteLn('Time on timeserver: ' + IntToStr(objNtp.Year) + '/' + IntToStr(objNtp.Month) + '/' + IntToStr(objNtp.Day) + ' ' + IntToStr(objNtp.Hour) + ':' + IntToStr(objNtp.Minute) + ':' + IntToStr(objNtp.Second));
	 WriteLn('Difference between Time Server and Local Computer: ' + intToStr(objNtp.LocalOffsetSeconds) + ' seconds');

 writeln('Done. Press  to close this window');readln;

You can download the complete samples here. There are many other working Network Component scripts on our site and shipped with the product.