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SyQwest Bathy-500DF | Eye4Software Hydromagic

SyQwest Bathy-500DF High Resolution Echo Sounder supported by Eye4Software Hydromagic Software



Depth Ranges Units of 0-15, 0-30, 0-60, 0-120, 0-240, 0-480, 0-960, 0-1920 feet or 0-5, 0-10, 0-20, 0-40, 0-80, 0-320, 0-640 meters
Phasing 0-120, 60-180, 120-240, 180-300, etc.. (displays 120ft range at 60 ft increments up to 1800-1920) feet, auto or 0-40, 20-60, 40-80, 60-100, 80-120, etc.. (displays 40m range at 20m increments up to 600-640) meters, auto
Chart Record 8.5 inch x 90 feet High Contrast Thermal Paper
Digital Desplay LCD (4 lines x 16 characters) 0.25 inch characters
(Depth Display: 0.75 inch characters)
(Back-lighting: Electro-luminescent)
Resolution 0.01 units for depths less than 100 meters;
Accuracy Meets or exceeds all current IHO hydrographic requirements for single beam echo sounders
>At 33 Khz= 5 cm +/- 0.1% of depth
At 200Khz= 1cm +/- 0.1% of depth
Frequency Interleaved Dual Frequency Selections of: 33/210kHz or 50/210kHz or any single frequency (all user selectable & changeable via keypad) from these: 33kHz, 40kHz, 50kHz, 210kHz (Acoustic output = 600 watts)
Depth Alarms Shallow and Deep (selected by keypad)
Sound Velocity 4,600-5,250 feet/second (1393-1590 meters/second) (user selected via keypad)
Offset<.td> 0 to +30 feet or meters (allows the user, via keypad, to adjust for the net sum of transducer depth and tide)
Geographic Position NMEA-0183 GGA or GLL Format from GPS/DGPS
Data I/O Compatability COM 1 provides bi-directional interface to PC or other peripheral device; This port accepts external annotation from external sources such as hydrographic software.
COM 2 accepts GPS/DGPS inputs and provides additional (from COM 1) data outputs.
Data Outputs -ODEC dt (Time, Lat, Long, Depth Hi, Depth Lo)
-PMC dt (True Depth & Status)
Atlas DESO-25
-Odom Digitrace
-Odom Echotrac
Heave Compenstation Compatible with Teledyne TSS Format
Input Power 11-30 volts d.c. (1.5 amps @ 12v. 0.5 amp @ 30v.) or 115/230 volts a.c. 50/60 hertz (20 watts)
Dimensions Height (including handle) 19 inches
Width 17.5 inches
Depth 9 inches
Weight 35lbs. (Recorder with P01540 Transducer)