Create and Save a Word Document
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
Set objWord = CreateObject("Word.Application") objWord.Caption = "Test Caption" objWord.Visible = True Set objDoc = objWord.Documents.Add() Set objSelection = objWord.Selection objSelection.Font.Name = "Arial" objSelection.Font.Size = "18" objSelection.TypeText "Network Adapter Report" objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Size = "14" objSelection.TypeText "" & Date() objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Size = "10" strComputer = "." Set objWMIService = GetObject("winmgmts:\\" & strComputer & "\root\cimv2") Set colItems = objWMIService.ExecQuery _ ("Select * from Win32_NetworkAdapterConfiguration") For Each objItem in colItems objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "ARP Always Source Route: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.ArpAlwaysSourceRoute objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "ARP Use EtherSNAP: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.ArpUseEtherSNAP objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Caption: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.Caption objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Database Path: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DatabasePath objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Dead GW Detection Enabled: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DeadGWDetectEnabled objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Default IP Gateway: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DefaultIPGateway objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Default TOS: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DefaultTOS objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Default TTL: " objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.DefaultTTL objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.TypeText "Description: " objSelection.Font.Bold = True objSelection.Font.Bold = False objSelection.TypeText "" & objItem.Description objSelection.TypeParagraph() objSelection.TypeParagraph() Next objDoc.SaveAs("C:\Scripts\Word\testdoc.doc") objWord.Quit