List Local Computer Information
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
Set objComputer = CreateObject("Shell.LocalMachine") Wscript.Echo "Computer name: " & objComputer.MachineName Wscript.Echo "Shutdown allowed: " & objComputer.IsShutdownAllowed Wscript.Echo "Friendly UI enabled: " & objComputer.IsFriendlyUIEnabled Wscript.Echo "Guest access mode: " & objComputer.IsGuestAccessMode Wscript.Echo "Guest account enabled: " & _ objComputer.IsGuestEnabled(0) Wscript.Echo "Multiple users enabled: " & _ objComputer.IsMultipleUsersEnabled Wscript.Echo "Offline files enabled: " & _ objComputer.IsOfflineFilesEnabled Wscript.Echo "Remote connections enabled: " & _ objComputer.IsRemoteConnectionsEnabled Wscript.Echo "Undock enabled: " & objComputer.IsUndockEnabled