List Domain Password Policy Settings
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
Const MIN_IN_DAY = 1440 Const SEC_IN_MIN = 60 Set objDomain = GetObject("WinNT://fabrikam") Set objAdS = GetObject("LDAP://dc=fabrikam,dc=com") intMaxPwdAgeSeconds = objDomain.Get("MaxPasswordAge") intMinPwdAgeSeconds = objDomain.Get("MinPasswordAge") intLockOutObservationWindowSeconds = objDomain.Get("LockoutObservationInterval") intLockoutDurationSeconds = objDomain.Get("AutoUnlockInterval") intMinPwdLength = objAds.Get("minPwdLength") intPwdHistoryLength = objAds.Get("pwdHistoryLength") intPwdProperties = objAds.Get("pwdProperties") intLockoutThreshold = objAds.Get("lockoutThreshold") intMaxPwdAgeDays = _ ((intMaxPwdAgeSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN)/MIN_IN_DAY) & " days" intMinPwdAgeDays = _ ((intMinPwdAgeSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN)/MIN_IN_DAY) & " days" intLockOutObservationWindowMinutes = _ (intLockOutObservationWindowSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN) & " minutes" If intLockoutDurationSeconds <> -1 Then intLockoutDurationMinutes = _ (intLockOutDurationSeconds/SEC_IN_MIN) & " minutes" Else intLockoutDurationMinutes = _ "Administrator must manually unlock locked accounts" End If WScript.Echo "maxPwdAge = " & intMaxPwdAgeDays WScript.Echo "minPwdAge = " & intMinPwdAgeDays WScript.Echo "minPwdLength = " & intMinPwdLength WScript.Echo "pwdHistoryLength = " & intPwdHistoryLength WScript.Echo "pwdProperties = " & intPwdProperties WScript.Echo "lockOutThreshold = " & intLockoutThreshold WScript.Echo "lockOutObservationWindow = " & intLockOutObservationWindowMinutes WScript.Echo "lockOutDuration = " & intLockoutDurationMinutes