List All Virtual Networks
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
On Error Resume Next Set objVS = CreateObject("VirtualServer.Application") Set colNetworks = objVS.VirtualNetworks For Each objNetwork in colNetworks Wscript.Echo "Bytes dropped: " & objNetwork.BytesDropped Wscript.Echo "Bytes received: " & objNetwork.BytesReceived Wscript.Echo "Bytes sent: " & objNetwork.BytesSent Wscript.Echo "File: " & objNetwork.File Wscript.Echo "Host adapter: " & objNetwork.HostAdapter Wscript.Echo "Name: " & objNetwork.Name Wscript.Echo "Notes: " & objNetwork.Notes Wscript.Echo "Packets dropped: " & objNetwork.PacketsDropped Wscript.Echo "Packets received: " & objNetwork.PacketsReceived Wscript.Echo "Packets sent: " & objNetwork.PacketsSent Wscript.Echo Next