List Virtual Server Accountant Information
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
On Error Resume Next Set objVS = CreateObject("VirtualServer.Application") set colVMs = objVS.VirtualMachines For Each objVM in colVMS Set colAccountants = objVM.Accountant Wscript.Echo "Virtual machine: " & objVM.Name Wscript.Echo "Allowable maximum system capacity: " & _ colAccountants.AllowableMaximumSystemCapacity Wscript.Echo "Allowable reserved system capacity: " & _ colAccountants.AllowableReservedSystemCapacity Wscript.Echo "CPU utilization: " & colAccountants.CPUUtilization i = 1 Wscript.Echo "CPU utilization history:" For Each intCPUUtilization in colAccountants.CPUUtilizationHistory Wscript.Echo vbTab & i & " -- " & intCPUUtilization i = i + 1 Next Wscript.Echo "Disk bytes read: " & colAccountants.DiskBytesRead Wscript.Echo "Disk bytes written: " & colAccountants.DiskBytesWritten Wscript.Echo "Host disk utilization: " & _ colAccountants.HostDiskUtilization Wscript.Echo "Host memory utilization: " & _ colAccountants.HostMemoryUtilization Wscript.Echo "Maximum system capacity: " & _ colAccountants.MaximumSystemCapacity Wscript.Echo "Network bytes received: " & _ colAccountants.NetworkBytesReceived Wscript.Echo "Network bytes sent: " & colAccountants.NetworkBytesSent Wscript.Echo "Relative weight: " & colAccountants.RelativeWeight Wscript.Echo "Reserved system capacity: " & _ colAccountants.ReservedSystemCapacity Wscript.Echo "Uptime: " & colAccountants.Uptime Wscript.Echo Next