Search for Driver Updates
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
@Set objSearcher = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.Searcher") Set objResults = objSearcher.Search("Type='Driver'") Set colUpdates = objResults.Updates Wscript.Echo colUpdates.Count For i = 0 to colUpdates.Count - 1 Wscript.Echo "Title: " & colUpdates.Item(i).Title Wscript.Echo "Autoselect on Web sites: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).AutoSelectOnWebSites For Each strUpdate in colUpdates.Item(i).BundledUpdates Wscript.Echo "Bundled update: " & strUpdate Next Wscript.Echo "Can require source: " & colUpdates.Item(i).CanRequireSource Set objCategories = colUpdates.Item(i).Categories For z = 0 to objCategories.Count - 1 Wscript.Echo "Category name: " & objCategories.Item(z).Name Wscript.Echo "Category ID: " & objCategories.Item(z).CategoryID For Each strChild in objCategories.Item(z).Children Wscript.Echo "Child category: " & strChild Next Wscript.Echo "Category description: " & _ objCategories.Item(z).Description Wscript.Echo "Category order: " & objCategories.Item(z).Order Wscript.Echo "Category type: " & objCategories.Item(z).Type Next Wscript.Echo "Deadline: " & colUpdates.Item(i).Deadline Wscript.Echo "Delta compressed content available: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).DeltaCompressedContentAvailable Wscript.Echo "Delta compressed content preferred: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).DeltaCompressedContentPreferred Wscript.Echo "Description: " & colUpdates.Item(i).Description Wscript.Echo "EULA accepted: " & colUpdates.Item(i).EULAAccepted Wscript.Echo "EULA text: " & colUpdates.Item(i).EULAText Wscript.Echo "Handler ID: " & colUpdates.Item(i).HandlerID Set objIdentity = colUpdates.Item(i).Identity Wscript.Echo "Revision number: " & objIdentity.RevisionNumber Wscript.Echo "Update ID: " & objIdentity.UpdateID Set objInstallationBehavior = colUpdates.Item(i).InstallationBehavior Wscript.Echo "Can request user input: " & _ objInstallationBehavior.CanRequestUserInput Wscript.Echo "Impact: " & objInstallationBehavior.Impact Wscript.Echo "Reboot behavior: " & objInstallationBehavior.RebootBehavior Wscript.Echo "Requires network connectivity: " & _ objInstallationBehavior.RequiresNetworkConnectivity Wscript.Echo "Is beta: " & colUpdates.Item(i).IsBeta Wscript.Echo "Is hidden: " & colUpdates.Item(i).IsHidden Wscript.Echo "Is installed: " & colUpdates.Item(i).IsInstalled Wscript.Echo "Is mandatory: " & colUpdates.Item(i).IsMandatory Wscript.Echo "Is uninstallable: " & colUpdates.Item(i).IsUninstallable For Each strLanguage in colUpdates.Item(i).Languages Wscript.Echo "Supported language: " & strLanguage Next Wscript.Echo "Last deployment change time: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).LastDeploymentChangeTime Wscript.Echo "Maximum download size: " & colUpdates.Item(i).MaxDownloadSize Wscript.Echo "Minimum download size: " & colUpdates.Item(i).MinDownloadSize Wscript.Echo "Microsoft Security Response Center severity: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).MsrcSeverity Wscript.Echo "Recommended CPU speed: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).RecommendedCPUSpeed Wscript.Echo "Recommended hard disk space: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).RecommendedHardDiskSpace Wscript.Echo "Recommended memory: " & colUpdates.Item(i).RecommendedMemory Wscript.Echo "Release notes: " & colUpdates.Item(i).ReleaseNotes Wscript.Echo "Support URL: " & colUpdates.Item(i).SupportURL Wscript.Echo "Type: " & colUpdates.Item(i).Type Wscript.Echo "Uninstallation notes: " & _ colUpdates.Item(i).UninstallationNotes x = 1 For Each strStep in colUpdates.Item(i).UninstallationSteps Wscript.Echo x & " -- " & strStep x = x + 1 Next For Each strArticle in colUpdates.Item(i).KBArticleIDs Wscript.Echo "KB article: " & strArticle Next Wscript.Echo "Deployment action: " & colUpdates.Item(i).DeploymentAction Wscript.Echo Next