List Service Properties
You can use any of the VBScript programs below in ActiveXperts Network Monitor. Click here for an explanation about how to include scripts in ActiveXperts Network Monitor.
Set objServiceManager = CreateObject("Microsoft.Update.ServiceManager") Set colServices = objServiceManager.Services For i = 0 to colServices.Count - 1 Wscript.Echo "Name: " & colServices.Item(i).Name Wscript.Echo "Is managed: " & colServices.Item(i).IsManaged Wscript.Echo "Is registered with Automatic Updates: " & _ colServices.Item(i).IsRegisteredWithAU Wscript.Echo "Issue date: " & colServices.Item(i).IssueDate Wscript.Echo "Offers Windows updates: " & _ colServices.Item(i).OffersWindowsUpdates Wscript.Echo "Redirection URL: " &colServices.Item(i).RedirectURL Wscript.Echo "Service ID: " & colServices.Item(i).ServiceID Wscript.Echo "UI Plugin Class ID: " & colServices.Item(i).UIPluginClsid Next