Set-SecureBootUEFI - Powershell 4.0 CmdLet
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Short description Sets the Secure Boot-related UEFI variables such as Platform Key, Key Exchange Key, Signature Database and Forbidden Signature Database. Syntax Description The Set-SecureBootUEFI cmdlet takes a formatted content object that is created by running the Format-SecureBootUEFI cmdlet and a signed file, combines the twos and attempts to set the package in one of the Secure Boot variables. The supported Secure Boot variables include Platform Key (PK), Key Exchange Key (KEK), Signature Database (DB), and Forbidden Signature Database (DBX). This cmdlet returns an UEFIEnvironmentVariable object if successful, otherwise displays an error. This cmdlet runs on both UEFI and BIOS (non-UEFI) computer.If the computer does not support Secure Boot or is a non-UEFI computer, then this cmdlet returns an error displaying the following: Cmdlet not supported on this platform. If Windows PowerShell® is not run in administrator mode, then this cmdlet returns an error displaying the following: Unable to set proper privileges. Access was denied. If the signed file supplied to this cmdlet is not valid, then this cmdlet returns an error displaying the following: Incorrect authentication data.