Add-WindowsImage - Powershell 4.0 CmdLet
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Short description Adds an additional image to an existing image (.wim) file. Syntax Description The Add-WindowsImage cmdlet adds an additional image to an existing image (.wim) file. Add-WindowsImage compares new files to the resources in the existing .wim file, specified by the Name parameter and the ImagePath parameter, and stores only a single copy of each unique file so that each file is only captured once. The .wim file can have only one assigned compression type. Therefore, you can only append files with the same compression type. The Add-WindowsImage cmdlet does not apply to virtual hard disk (VHD) files. It’s important to note that you’ll need to ensure you have enough disk space before you run Add-WindowsImage. If you run out of disk space while the image is being appended, you might corrupt the .wim file.