Enable-PSSessionConfiguration - Powershell 3.0 CmdLet
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Short description Enables the session configurations on the local computer. Syntax Description The Enable-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet enables registered session configurations that have been disabled, such as by using the Disable-PSSessionConfiguration or Disable-PSRemoting cmdlets, or the AccessMode parameter of Register-PSSessi onConfiguration. This is an advanced cmdlet that is designed to be used by system administrators to manage customized s ession configurations for their users. Without parameters, Enable-PSSessionConfiguration enables the Microsoft.PowerShell configuration, which is the default configuration that is used for sessions. Enable-PSSessionConfiguration removes the "Deny_All" setting from the security descriptor of the affected session confi gurations, turns on the listener that accepts requests on any IP address, and restarts the WinRM service. Beginning in Windows PowerShell 3.0, Enable-PSSessionConfiguration also sets the value of the Enabled property of the session config uration (WSMan:\<computer>\PlugIn\<SessionConfigurationName>\Enabled) to "True". However, Enable-PSSessionConfiguratio n does not remove or change the "Network_Deny_All" (AccessMode=Local) security descriptor setting that allows only user s of the local computer to use to the session configuration. The Enable-PSSessionConfiguration cmdlet calls the Set-WSManQuickConfig cmdlet. However, it should not be used to enabl e remoting on the computer. Instead, use the more comprehensive cmdlet, Enable-PSRemoting.