Disconnect-PSSession - Powershell 3.0 CmdLet
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Short description Disconnects from a session. Syntax Description The Disconnect-PSSession cmdlet disconnects a Windows PowerShell session ("PSSession"), such as one started by using th e New-PSSession cmdlet, from the current session. As a result, the PSSession is in a disconnected state. You can connec t to the disconnected PSSession from the current session or from another session on the local computer or a different c omputer. The Disconnect-PSSession cmdlet disconnects only open PSSessions that are connected to the current session. Disconnect- PSSession cannot disconnect broken or closed PSSessions, or interactive PSSessions started by using the Enter-PSSession cmdlet, and it cannot disconnect PSSessions that are connected to other sessions. To reconnect to a disconnected PSSession, use the Connect-PSSession or Receive-PSSession cmdlets. When a PSSession is disconnected, the commands in the PSSession continue to run until they complete, unless the PSSessi on times out or the commands in the PSSession are blocked by a full output buffer. To change the idle timeout, use the IdleTimeoutSec parameter. To change the output buffering mode, use the OutputBufferingMode parameter You can also use t he InDisconnectedSession parameter of the Invoke-Command cmdlet to run a command in a disconnected session. For more information about the Disconnected Sessions feature, see about_Remote_Disconnected_Sessions. This cmdlet is introduced in Windows PowerShell 3.0.