Import-LocalizedData - Powershell 2.0 CmdLet
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Short description Imports language-specific data into scripts and functions based on the UI culture that is selected for the operatin g system. Syntax Description The Import-LocalizedData cmdlet dynamically retrieves strings from a subdirectory whose name matches the UI languag e set for the current user of the operating system. It is designed to enable scripts to display user messages in th e UI language selected by the current user. Import-LocalizedData imports data from .psd1 files in language-specific subdirectories of the script directory and saves them in a local variable that is specified in the command. The cmdlet selects the subdirectory and file based on the value of the $PSUICulture automatic variable. When you use the local variable in the script to display a us er message, the message appears in the user's UI language. You can use the parameters of Import-LocalizedData to specify an alternate UI culture, path, and file name, to add supported commands, and to suppress the error message that appears if the .psd1 files are not found. The Import-LocalizedData cmdlet supports script internationalization in Windows PowerShell 2.0. This initiative aim s to better serve users worldwide by making it easy for scripts to display user messages in the UI language of the current user. For more information about this and about the format of the .psd1 files, see about_Script_Internatio nalization.