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Microsoft Exchange Performance Counters

Microsoft Exchange Transport Server Transport Dumpster counters

The following table shows transport dumpster counters.

Counter Name Description
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Deletes/sec
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Inserts/sec Shows the rate at which items are inserted into the transport dumpster on this server. Determines the current rate of transport dumpster inserts.
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Item Count Shows the total number of mail items currently in the transport dumpster on this server. Shows the current number of items being held in the transport dumpster.
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Size Shows the total size (in bytes) of mail items currently in the transport dumpster on this server.