Microsoft Exchange Performance Counters
Microsoft Exchange Transport Server Transport Dumpster counters
The following table shows transport dumpster counters.
Counter Name | Description |
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Deletes/sec | |
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Inserts/sec | Shows the rate at which items are inserted into the transport dumpster on this server. Determines the current rate of transport dumpster inserts. |
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Item Count | Shows the total number of mail items currently in the transport dumpster on this server. Shows the current number of items being held in the transport dumpster. |
\MSExchangeTransport Dumpster\Dumpster Size | Shows the total size (in bytes) of mail items currently in the transport dumpster on this server. |