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Microsoft Exchange Performance Counters

Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Server Store Client Request counters

The following table shows store client request counters.

Counter Name Description
MSExchange Replica Seeder(*)\Seeding Finished %
MSExchange Replication(*)\CopyQueueLength Shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be copied to the passive copy log file folder. A copy isn't considered complete until it has been checked for corruption.
MSExchange Replication(*)\ReplayQueueLength Shows the number of transaction log files waiting to be replayed into the passive copy.
MSExchange Store Interface(*)\ROP Requests outstanding Shows the total number of outstanding remote operations requests. Used for determining current load.
MSExchange Store Interface(*)\RPC Requests failed (%) Shows the percentage of failed requests in the total number of RPC requests. Failed means the sum of failed with error code plus failed with exception.
MSExchange Store Interface(*)\RPC Requests Outstanding Shows the total number of outstanding RPC requests. Used for determining current load.
MSExchange Store Interface(*)\RPC Requests Sent/sec Shows the current rate of initiated RPC requests per second. Used for determining current load.
MSExchange Store Interface(*)\RPC Slow Requests (%) Shows the percentage of slow RPC requests among all RPC requests. A slow RPC request is one that has taken more than 500 ms.
MSExchange Store Interface(*)\RPC Slow Requests latency average (msec) Shows the average latency, in ms, of slow requests. Used for determining the average latencies of RPC slow requests.
MSExchange Store Interface(_Total)\RPC Latency average (msec) Shows the average latency, in ms, of RPC requests. The average is calculated over all RPCs since exrpc32 was loaded.
MSExchange Store Interface(_Total)\RPC Requests outstanding Shows the current number of outstanding RPC requests.
MSExchangeIS\RPC Operations/sec Indicates the current number of RPC operations occurring per second.
MSExchangeMailSubmission(*)\Failed Submissions Per Second Shows the number of failed submissions per second.
MSExchangeMailSubmission(*)\Hub Servers In Retry Shows the number of Hub Transport servers in retry mode.
MSExchangeMailSubmission(*)\Successful Submissions Per Second Determines current mail submission rate.
MSExchangeMailSubmission(*)\Temporary Submission Failures/sec Shows the number of temporary submission failures per second.