Microsoft Exchange Performance Counters
Microsoft Exchange Client Access Server Control Panel Load counters
The following table shows Exchange 2010 Control Panel load counters.
Counter Name | Description |
MSExchange Control Panel\ASP.Net Request Failures/sec | |
MSExchange Control Panel\Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Requests/sec | Shows the number of explicit sign-on requests received from a primary Client Access server per second. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Explicit Sign-On Inbound Proxy Sessions/sec | Shows the number of explicit sign-on inbound proxy sessions loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Explicit Sign-On Outbound Proxy Requests/sec | Shows the number of explicit sign-on requests sent to a secondary Client Access server per second. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Explicit Sign-On Outbound Session Requests/sec | Shows the number of explicit sign-on outbound proxy sessions loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Requests/sec | Shows the number of requests received per second by an explicit sign-on standard RBAC session. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Explicit Sign-On Standard RBAC Sessions/sec | Shows the number of explicit sign-on standard RBAC sessions loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Inbound Proxy Requests/sec | Shows the number of requests received from a primary Client Access server per second. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Inbound Proxy Sessions/sec | Shows the number of inbound proxy sessions loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Outbound Proxy Requests - Average Response Time | Shows the average time (in ms) that requests sent to a secondary Client Access server took to complete during the sampling period. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Outbound Proxy Requests/sec | Shows the number of requests sent to a secondary Client Access server per second. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Outbound Proxy Sessions/sec | Shows the number of outbound proxy sessions loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\PowerShell Runspaces - Activations/sec | Shows the number of Windows PowerShell runspaces activated per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\PowerShell Runspaces - Average Active Time | Shows the average time (in seconds) that a Windows PowerShell runspace stays active while executing cmdlets in the Exchange Control Panel during the sampling period. |
MSExchange Control Panel\PowerShell Runspaces/sec | Shows the number of Windows PowerShell runspaces created per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\RBAC Sessions/sec | Shows the number of RBAC sessions loaded per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Requests - Activations/sec | Shows the number of requests activated per second in the Exchange Control Panel. |
MSExchange Control Panel\Requests - Average Response Time | Shows the average time (in ms) the Exchange Control Panel took to respond to a request during the sampling period. |