Microsoft Dynamics CRM Performance Counters
Microsoft Dynamics Dynamics CRM Authentication counters
The counters provided by the CRM Authentication performance object are described in the following table.
Counter Name | Description |
Counter Name: ClaimsAuthentication AttemptsInTheLastMinute | Description: |
Counter Name: ClaimsAuthentication FailuresInTheLastMinute | Description: The total number of failed authentication requests processed per minute using claims. This counter measures the whole deployment including all organizations. |
Counter Name: ConfigDBWindows AuthenticationAttemptsIn TheLastMinute | Description: The total number of authentication requests that are processed per minute by using the MSCRM_CONFIG database. This counter includes successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts for a particular organization. This counter is useful to show the authentication engine throughput of requests that use the MSCRM_CONFIG database and are not requests for access to a specific organization. Together with the Processor and Memory counters, this counter can indicate whether the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is overloaded with authentication requests and may require load balancing. |
Counter Name: ConfigDBWindows AuthenticationFailuresIn TheLastMinute | Description: The number of unsuccessful authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Active Directory authentication credentials. This counter measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration. |
Counter Name: CrmPostAuthentication AttemptsInTheLastMinute | Description: The total number of authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Active Directory authentication credentials. This counter includes successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts, and measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. This counter is useful to show the authentication engine throughput of requests for access to a specific organization in an Internet-facing deployment of Microsoft Dynamics CRM. Together with the Processor and Memory counters, this counter can indicate whether the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is overloaded with authentication requests and may require load balancing. |
Counter Name: CrmPostAuthentication FailuresInTheLastMinute | Description: The number of unsuccessful authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Microsoft Dynamics CRM authentication credentials. This counter measures the entire deployment including all organizations. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration. |
Counter Name: PassportAuthentication AttemptsInTheLastMinute | Description: The total number of authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Windows Live ID authentication credentials. This counter includes successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts, and measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. This counter applies to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online only. This counter is useful to show the authentication engine throughput of requests that use Windows Live ID authentication credentials and are not requests for access to a specific organization. Together with the Processor and Memory counters, this counter can indicate whether the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is overloaded with authentication requests and may require load balancing. |
Counter Name: PassportAuthentication FailuresInTheLastMinute | Description: The number of failed authentication requests per minute that are processed by using Windows Live ID authentication credentials. This counter measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. This counter applies to Microsoft Dynamics CRM Online only. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration. |
Counter Name: WindowsAuthentication AttemptsInTheLastMinute | Description: The total number of authentication requests that are processed per minute. This counter includes successful and unsuccessful authentication attempts, and measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. This counter is useful to show the authentication engine throughput of requests that use Active Directory authentication credentials and are requests for access to a specific organization. Together with the Processor and Memory counters, this counter can indicate whether the Microsoft Dynamics CRM server is overloaded with authentication requests and may require load balancing. |
Counter Name: WindowsAuthentication FailuresInTheLastMinute | Description: The number of unsuccessful authentication requests per minute. There are several possible causes for authentication failure. For example, the user may have been authenticated successfully by Active Directory but Microsoft Dynamics CRM authentication failed to communicate with the Kerberos servers, or a token expired, or the user's credentials are incorrect. This counter measures the entire Microsoft Dynamics CRM deployment including all organizations. A high count may indicate that the system is possibly under a Denial of Service attack, or there is some problem with the Authentication service configuration. We recommend that you set a monitoring alert to notify you if this value exceeds 30. |